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Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again. Started by Mstcool · · Read 10648 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Topic title says all. Whenever I try loggin' in by the feature on the top menu bar, I get that error. However, when I head over to the login page and login, its fine. :p

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #1

What browser do you use?
Does that happens on any page you try to login or maybe on some page/s happens more frequently?
I've seen some similar errors in the log, but I can't find a way to reproduce it... :(
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Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #2

I use Chrome. I haven't tested it out on other pages yet, just the main homepage (not the community page). :p

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #3

I had this few times on Chrome too.
emanuele try to open forum in incognito tab and log in.

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #4

Quote from: phantom – emanuele try to open forum in incognito tab and log in.
I usually do not write that I'm not able to reproduce something without trying it first. ;)
I tried and I'm not able to reproduce it, that's what I wanted to say.

Anyway, now I was able to reproduce it: you are accessing instead of
Maybe @Spuds or @TE it's possible to setup a redirect to the www one?

The fastest way to "fix" it for you is to change the bookmark (if you use one), or navigate to any other page before logging in. ;)
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Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #5

Alright, thats good.

Off topic: So, who owns Elkarte btw?

Edit: I think I also found another bug, I gotta try it again to see if it really is a good or not. So gimme some time. :p

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #6

Its something @TE needs to tweak in the site config file, in the server section, along the lines of

Code: [Select]
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

Quote from: Mstcool – Alright, thats good.

Off topic: So, who owns Elkarte btw?

Edit: I think I also found another bug, I gotta try it again to see if it really is a good or not. So gimme some time. :p
Right now TE is doing the awesome hosting, at one point I was but the server I had it on was a bit weak in the knees! (i.e. the not so aweseome one :P)  I did the actual domain registration ... not sure who "owns" anything,  its an embodiment of FLOSS really, we simply try to keep things easy going and constructive.  Lots of folks have made contributions and I think of them all as owners.   Sure some have done more than others, that's a choice or a passion, not a point of drama ;)
Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 04:24:08 pm by Spuds


Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #7

Oh, nice nice.

Alright, bug found.

So...the arrow thats on the right side, beside "posted by: username"...will take you to the LAST recent post, correct?

Whenever I click that on this forum, it takes me to the first main post. :P

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #8

Quote from: Mstcool – Oh, nice nice.

Alright, bug found.

So...the arrow thats on the right side, beside "posted by: username"...will take you to the LAST recent post, correct?

Whenever I click that on this forum, it takes me to the first main post. :P
I believe the arrow will take you to the first new post (for you) in that thread vs the absolute last post.  The old behavior was to take you to the last post.

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #9

Yeah but the last post is the newest, isn't it? Either way, it takes me to the first post, whether it was updated or not. :p
Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 09:15:41 pm by Mstcool

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #10

Seems to be taking me to the last post, not sure why its not working for you,  I think its just a named anchor so the browser should just jump to that page point when the dom is loaded.   :-\

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #11

Quote from: Spuds – Seems to be taking me to the last post, not sure why its not working for you,  I think its just a named anchor so the browser should just jump to that page point when the dom is loaded.   :-\

Either my browser is on drugs, or yours is. :p

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #12

Quote from: Mstcool – Whenever I click that on this forum, it takes me to the first main post. :P
Dunno, works as expected here... :-\

Anyone else did see something like this happen?
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Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #13

Yep, yesterday when I wanted to register a new user via the registration in the admin center. Today I tried it again and it worked.

Second situation of this kind: today when I tried to save my changes to membergroups in two separate browser windows (in both I was logged in). Didn't worked, I couldn't save the changes. I closed the second window.

Re: Unable to verify referring URL. Please go back and try again.

Reply #14

I meant the fact that the arrow brings you to the first message of the topic and not to the last one. ;)

BTW, about these errors you faced: are they "unable to verify URL", or maybe "token verification failed"? Because the "unable to verify URL" is quite an odd error to see in normal usage... :-\ Even when multiple windows are open...
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