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Profile completed at xx% Started by emanuele · · Read 4848 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Profile completed at xx%

This is something you see "frequently" on certain sites that rely on profiles (usually "social" sites), a bar, a box, something, that tells you that your profile is completed at a certain percentage, or that suggest you to fill a certain field to reach a certain percentage of completion and so on.

I think it may me kind of funny to code and it would be a very nice addon. nods
Unfortunately, as usual, I have already too many things running to take yet another one, so I leave the idea here for anyone that wants to try. ;D

As a general idea it should have in the admin panel a section so that the admin can associate a weight to each field, either provided by default or created as custom.
Then on the user-side it may display a notice next to the profile button and something more prominent in the profile page (only to the owner), then there may be a small "reminder" next to each field not filled with the weight of the field (or maybe this is overkill).
Next to the profile button it may show a popup (once a day or so) with a random tips along the line of "adding an avatar would bring you to 50% of profile completion".
Implementation-wise, it may need a new table to record the pairs field-weight and a new column in the members table to enter the % that would be recalculated any time the profile is updated.
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Re: Profile completed at xx%

Reply #1

How about a small pie chart showing profile completeness ?


Re: Profile completed at xx%

Reply #3

Golden rule with me: do not assume I can remember anything for more than 2 days, if you don't see an answer within that timeframe, it likely means I forgot about it[1], so please bump your question.

I guess you are talking about this, then let's move to that topic.
I have a terrible memory, it's a fact, not a justification. That's why I love bug/feature trackers, because they remember things for me and it's easy to prioritize stuff.
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Re: Profile completed at xx%

Reply #5

Bugs creator.
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