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Migration of SMF to ElkArte Started by Jorin · · Read 59641 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #77

Quote from: emanuele – You should check two things:
1) that the files /sources/subs/Mgal.subs.php and /sources/controllers/Mgal.controller.php are present,
2) in admin > maintenance > forum maintenance > integration hook, check if the hook "integrate_bbc_codes" (first column) has in the second column "Function: mgal_bbcode" and the icon on the right side.


Quote from: emanuele – And fix that should be easy: go to admin > forum > posts and topics > bulletin board code and tick "smg" to enable it. ;D



But still no images.  :(

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #78

Have a look at the error log, I guess there are some database errors.
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #79

You're right:

Table 'abc.elkarte_aeva_files' doesn't exist

Okay, do your homework, Jorin! I will look for it and import the table when I'm at home.

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #80

No problem, I thought it was a broken query... O:-)

Anyway, it's better if you have around all the aeva tables. Not all of them are mandatory, but better have one more than one less. ;D
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #81

Got an error when I import all the aeva tables:

Code: [Select]
-- Daten für Tabelle [icode]elkarte_aeva_media[/icode]

INSERT INTO [icode]elkarte_aeva_media[/icode] ([icode]id_media[/icode], [icode]id_member[/icode], [icode]member_name[/icode], [icode]last_edited[/icode], [icode]last_edited_by[/icode], [icode]last_edited_name[/icode], [icode]id_file[/icode], [icode]id_thumb[/icode], [icode]id_preview[/icode], [icode]type[/icode], [icode]album_id[/icode], [icode]rating[/icode], [icode]voters[/icode], [icode]weighted[/icode], [icode]title[/icode], [icode]description[/icode], [icode]approved[/icode], [icode]time_added[/icode], [icode]views[/icode], [icode]downloads[/icode], [icode]last_viewed[/icode], [icode]keywords[/icode], [icode]embed_url[/icode], [icode]id_last_comment[/icode], [icode]log_last_access_time[/icode], [icode]num_comments[/icode]) VALUES
(2, 1, 'Jorin', 0, 0, '', 8, 9, 10, 'image', 2, 0, 0, 0, 'Kofferraum', 'Ein Blick in das Gepäckfach.', 1, 1268408257, 253, 20, 0, '', '', 0, 1269459209, 0),
(3, 1, 'Jorin', 0, 0, '', 11, 12, 13, 'image', 2, 0, 0, 0, 'Heckansicht', 'Mist, Kamera schief gehalten.', 1, 1268408289, 197, 40, 0, '', '', 0, 1269459213, 0),
(4, 1, 'Jorin', 0, 0, '', 14, 15, 16, 'image', 2, 0, 0, 0, 'Innen', 'Hier sitzt der Chef!', 1, 1268408313, 214, 9, 0, '', '', 0, 1269459216, 0),
(5, 1, 'Jorin', 0, 0, '', 17, 18, 19, 'image', 2, 0, 0, 0, 'Innen', 'Innenansicht.', 1, 1268[...]

#1062 - Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #82

Probably because the table is already there?
According to the error, the missing one is "elkarte_aeva_files", not "aeva_media". ;)
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #83

Quote from: emanuele – Anyway, it's better if you have around all the aeva tables. Not all of them are mandatory, but better have one more than one less. ;D

I tried this. ;)  Of course you are right, but it seems he did import all the missing tables. The pictures are finally there:,4194.0.html

Yippie! Thanks a lot! Especially for your patience with me!  :D

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #84

We did it! :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #85

Guys I want to do exactly the same thing, but I can't get anywhere. Can you help me?

Sorry, the database connection information used in the given installation of the forum does not reach the SMF 2.0 installation. This either means that the installation does not exist, or that the MySQL account used does not have access privileges.

The error given by MySQL was: SELECT command denied for user 'databasename'@'localhost' for table 'smf_members'''.
error_line 351
error_file /xxx/xxx/domains/

What could be the problem? I am using the latest importer version.

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #86

Most of the open Importer information is here

Are you sure the credentials you supplied can access the SMF database?  You can verify they are right by looking in you Settings.php file for db_user and db_passs

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #87

Thank you! Yes, I checked. That's what I'm using now:

SMF 2.0.17 | SMF © 2016, Simple Machines
SimplePortal 2.3.5 © 2008-2012, SimplePortal
and I want to convert it to 1.1.8 Elkarte. I am using the latest OpenImporter.
In the meantime I realized that for some reason it wants to extract the 'smf_members' table from another database. I don't know the reason. (The hosting in question contains several databases)
Or maybe the importer should be put in the smf folder?

However, I have one more important question. Can 2 SMF databases be merged into 1 database? I have been working in smf for 10 years and I would not like to have to rewrite/copy posts...
Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 06:05:58 pm by ' Tzs ,

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #88

Quote from: ' Tzs , – However, I have one more important question. Can 2 SMF databases be merged into 1 database? I have been working in smf for 10 years and I would not like to have to rewrite/copy posts...
That, as you may guess, is not an easy answer and would require a lot of custom code to "get close".  I think it could be possibly done .... but just thinking, never have done it

You would first have to merge the members tables, looking for duplicates and updating member id's (topics, messages) in the db you are trying to merge into the new primary.  That is the easy part.

Then you would have to work through the topics, tables to keep things in date/time order, so as you "insert" in a topic from another db,  based on a newer topic first message time.   So a bunch of arrays that hold topic data, which you build a new one based on timestamps and as you do that you keep track of old<->new ids for each db topic table.

Then you would rebuild the message table in date order, and using your old<->new topic ids, update as you add them to a new db.

That is just the topic/messages ... you still have PM, likes, moderation, bans, what addons may have added ... and for permissions you would have to set basic permissions to added members I guess and fix as you go.  Anyway, not easy, probably achievable with some loss of history etc etc. and a lot of time !

TBH I have not run or used OI in several years, so I'll take some time tomorrow to see what is involved /  refresh my brain and post back what I find.

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #89

I faced the same problem, and decided to convert the forums messages to read-only and "archive" the old groups on the server with access to the archive via the new forum.  For further "security" the archive is in an username/password protected subfolder.. (I could have let EA handle the access privileges but I wanted a little extra at the file-system level).  But regardless, it was much easier to archive than to merge, at least for my purposes. Worth considering if the functional (or lack thereof, actually) trade-off is acceptable

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