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[MyBB 1.8] Importer Started by TE · · Read 74227 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Converting MyBB to Elk

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #45

And how is your setup ? You need to provide more information to get qualified help.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #46

Shall i provide u teamviewer or skype id so that u can look into it

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #47

Sorry, i don't make onside support.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #48

Ok i didnt ask for the password ;)
install of elkarte & mybb is on the same server ? Mybb is working & elkarte is working ?


Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #49

Yes, they are in the same server. MyBB is working fine and elkarte is not.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #51

Elkarte import shoots the error i mentioned. By some means i am not able to grant permission to my username in SQL

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #52

Can you provide a screenshoot of the settings you provide to the Import ?

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #54

If you have a look on your screenshoot you see that it trys to use a user "indianta_jaz" to connect to the mybb database. But it must be "intz" according to your mybb setup. Do you now where it gets that from ? the Info must be somewhere.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #55

That was the dummy thing which i gave, right one

$db_server = 'localhost';
  The port for the database server
@var string
$db_port = '';

  The database name
@var string
$db_name = 'indianta_elk';

  Database username
@var string
$db_user = 'indianta_jaz';

$config['database']['type'] = 'mysqli';
$config['database']['database'] = 'indianta_gct';
$config['database']['table_prefix'] = 'mybb_';

$config['database']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$config['database']['username'] = 'indianta_intz';

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #56

still, it should use
$config['database']['username'] = 'indianta_intz'
but it uses "indianta_jaz".

It looks to me as if you have a bunch of installations and lost the overview.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #57

Finally done it,

I just have to add DB1 user to DB2 and vice versa

So it is like, DB1->DB1 user & DB2 user .....DB2->DB2 user & DB1user.

Re: [MyBB 1.8] Importer

Reply #59

Maybe add it to the OI repo and add a Utilities section to the OI home page?  

I tried to get everything working on the current OI master branch a few weeks ago so we got back to a centralized "master" location for all the working importer functions.