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EU notification of the site use of cookies Started by · · Read 44191 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #45

Well .. most sites (also outside the EU) do inform the user, that the site uses cookies (see Google), but this is only a information, not a "supress" settings of cookies.
And I dont understand where is the problem to
a) inform the user about cookie settings
b) supress the settings of cookies until user accept this

it is not the problem that this is not possible, it's a problem on the thinkig (or ignorance) of the Programmers ..

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Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #46

If it is not an obligation, I will prefer not to display it by default to users from other countries and that is just a matter of personal preference. So, repeating my question, is there a simple way to make this cookie notification appears only in EU countries / users in EU countreis? If yes, I would like to try that as an addon for ElkArte since we do not have it by default in here.

Edited: Done. EU Cookie addon updated to give effect to this.
Last Edit: August 27, 2017, 09:14:31 am by ahrasis

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #47

Quote from: Spuds –
Quote from: Jorin – Edit: Hey @Spuds, I got the error with the link inserted at the beginning of the text, not at the cursor position! I wrote the text above, marked the part "this one", clicked on the URL BBC button, inserted the URL, and the code jumps at the very beginning of the text.  :o
If you are using Edge then I know about that problem and have a work around committed for RC2

It happened with IE.

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #48

Quote from: Feline – it is not the problem that this is not possible, it's a problem on the thinkig (or ignorance) of the Programmers ..
And to me it's ignorance of the users. How many do you think give a s*it about what's written in the notice?[1]
And for those that actually read it, how many do you think understand the implications?
I guess just the programmers.
On top of that, each and every user already has all the tools he needs in his own browser, but guess what? Nobody use any because nobody really cares[2].

So, I (i.e. a developer of a software) have to spend time creating tools (not effective and that are duplication of something that already exists) in order to give owners of websites the possibility to try to teach something to someone that is not in the slightest interested in learning it.

Yeah, sounds like a very good way to invest time. :P

You have your opinion, I have mine.
I was the one that first came up with a mod for SMF to force the opt-in of cookies by the visitors (and IIRC at the beginning you used it yourself), at the time I thought it was worth. Now I don't think it is, and as such I'm not going to spend time implementing it for ElkArte.
If anyone else is going to take up the task I'm of course not against it.
Considering I still have to meet someone that has read even once the terms and conditions of any service he subscribed to.
Let alone the consideration that these tools once were very prominent in the browsers, but then, in order to make life easier, the browser developers hidden these settings away in remote areas of the settings that it's even difficult to find
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Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #49

Well .. YOU have your meanings, I have a other ...
I live in Germany and we have a law for cookies .. so I adhere to this law .. and make this available in my software.
Nobody must use it, but everyone can use it .. that's how simple life can be ...  :D

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Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #50

Quote from: emanueleLet alone the consideration that these tools once were very prominent in the browsers, but then, in order to make life easier, the browser developers hidden these settings away in remote areas of the settings that it's even difficult to find
Except possibly in Opera I don't think it was ever prominent. I suppose you mean how for a while in the early days of Firefox 4+ idiocy they hid it under advanced history settings or something especially unintuitive like that.

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #51

Quote from: Feline – I live in Germany and we have a law for cookies ..

Do we? Not really. Read this please:

Quote from: Deutschland wurde die Cookie-Richtlinie nicht eigens mit einem neuen Gesetz umgesetzt. Der Grund: Die Bundesregierung sieht die Richtlinie bereits mit dem deutschen Telemediengesetz (TMG) als erfüllt an. Jedoch deckt das TMG die Forderungen der EU-Richtlinie nicht umfassend ab. Denn viele verstehen die Cookie-Richtlinie der EU als Anordnung einer Opt-in-Pflicht, wogegen das TMG allein eine Opt-out-Variante vorschreibt. Datenschützer kritisieren deshalb die schwache Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie. Da das TMG momentan geltendes deutsches Recht darstellt, müssen Website-Betreiber in Deutschland lediglich folgende Anforderungen erfüllen:

•Die Nutzer müssen über die Datenspeicherung verständlich und umfassend informiert werden.
•Die Nutzer müssen der Datenspeicherung widersprechen können.
•Die Daten dürfen nur anonymisiert gespeichert werden – außer die Nutzer stimmen der Speicherung personalisierter Daten zu.

It's very difficult for admins in the EU to be sure what they must do and what they can do. I hate this situation.

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #52

I am a bit confused now, Jorin.

So it would be still enough to have a little information about cookies while people register - as we always had it before?
Our users agree in which way cookies work in our forum, when they register.

There is also a topic for guests, in which they can read the same text about cookies.

If this would be enough, I do not need to install an addon....and I don't have to close an information-box any time, when I enter the forum - to see it complete. ::)  It is just disturbing for me on sites which are using such an addon.

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #53

The absolute minimum is an information that cookies are used AND the possibility to reject them - which you will when you are not logging in or leaving the site. That's what 1&1, and some other sites are explaining, yes.

You can do more to be on a safe path for the future. But for now... This is the least you should do.

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #54

Quote from: Jorin –
Quote from:•Die Nutzer müssen über die Datenspeicherung verständlich und umfassend informiert werden.
•Die Nutzer müssen der Datenspeicherung widersprechen können.
•Die Daten dürfen nur anonymisiert gespeichert werden – außer die Nutzer stimmen der Speicherung personalisierter Daten zu.

Exactly what I do in our Forum ...
We have a small area (at the top), so any user can read the Privacy Notice ..

Um die Rechtsvorschrift der Europäischen Union zu erfüllen sind wir verpflichtet, Benutzern die auf "portamx" von innerhalb der EU zugreifen, über die verwendeten Cookies dieser Website und die darin enthaltenen Informationen zu unterrichten und ihnen die Möglichkeit zum "Opt-in" ("Zustimmen") zu geben, Cookies zu setzen. Cookies sind kleine Dateien, die von Ihrem Browser gespeichert werden und alle Browser haben eine Option, wo Sie den Inhalt dieser Dateien überprüfen und löschen können, wenn Sie es wünschen.

Die folgende Tabelle zeigt die Namen der einzelnen Cookies, wo es herkommt und welche Informationen wir über die Inhalte der Cookies haben.

Here follow a table with all cookies we use on our site.

If a user not accept cookies, he can simple close his browser or leave the site .. NO cookie is save
Any questions, remarks, other comments ?

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Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #55

Quote from: Jorin – You can do more to be on a safe path for the future. But for now... This is the least you should do.

I think, a portalblock for guests - visible in forum and portal - could be a better way, to infom guests about cookies, than a topic is. Those blocks will disapear, if users log in....and registered and logged in users know our information about cookies anyway.

It is easier for me and will look prettier than an information-box created by an addon....and there will be no need to click this box away. ;)

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #56

Sure. But if it is necessary that your users allow the saving of cookies with a click on a button (any time in the future), that is not enough.


Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #57

Yes...but until this time, I can handle it with a potalblock as well.

It is just because of the "styling" ...I don't want such a large and "ugly" information-box in my forums. ::)

Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #58

Quote from: Ruth – Yes...but until this time, I can handle it with a potalblock as well.
It is just because of the "styling" ...I don't want such a large and "ugly" information-box in my forums. ::)
If you handle that with a Portal block, then your System have allways set  cookies WITHOUT the incomming user can stop this.
You have to stop any settings of cookies until the user have accept this !!!

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Re: EU notification of the site use of cookies

Reply #59

I find it rather funny when going to:
that as far as I know is the German Federal Government website, two cookies are set:
and later on other three appear:

No prominent notice as far as I can tell of the fact cookies are there, but going around there an explanation in a page and the option to "disable" the tracking cookie (not a generic cookie used for other, but a piwik cookie).
When you click on the "disable", another cookie is set:
then you can remove the PIWIK_SESSID, that remains unset... provided you do not visit again the page to disable the tracking cookie, because if you do the PIWIK_SESSIO cookie is created again.

Well, I guess this last part is an overlook by their part, but still are technically infringing their own law.
Anyway, the other session cookie (the ones that are not tracking cookies) are created without warning, and always left in place.

Since, as far as I understand, they are the ones that create the legislation, I guess they know  what they are doing (more or less).
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