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Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others Started by scripple · · Read 5071 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

If you disable PMs for a class of users they still have "Send Message" buttons and actions in various places like the user info box in the message display and the "actions" menu when viewing their profile.

Yes clicking it does take you to an error page saying they can't receive PMs, but it would be nicer if the option to send them a PM was never shown.

Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #1

Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #2

How do you disable it?
I denied the permission here to a group and assigned the group to a user, and this user doesn't have any "send message" button.

Are you sure you didn't just remove the permission from a primary group and left it for a secondary? Or a post-based group?

I also tried to:
1) give "read" deny "send" => menu entry with "read messages" still accessible, no trace of "send".
2) deny "read" give "send" => the menu disappears but the send in the "mini profile" appears.

This second one is actually slightly odd, though it's also an odd configuration to begin with, the only thing I can come up with is some check that specifically disable the "send" permission if the "read" is not set.
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Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #3

I created a new group. 

Group type:    Private (Membership must be assigned)
Visibility:  Visible
Inherit Permissions:  No - Use Unique Permissions
I unchecked all the PM options.

Perhaps you misunderstand the problem though.  It is not that the users who don't have PM permissions see "Send" buttons.

It is that users who DO have permission to use PMs see the option to send PMs to the users in the group that cannot receive them.

Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #4

I just checked again.  The actual sequence is.

1) Normal users logs in.
2) Normal user sees "Send Message" button for user who cannot receive PMs.
3) Normal user clicks the button and is taken to the PM editor page.
4) Normal user composes message and clicks send only to receive the error :  User 'Whatever' can not receive personal messages.
5) Normal user throws keyboard across room for wasting time composing message only to be told AFTER the fact that the other user cannot receive PMs.  Then sends nasty note to mods/admin.

Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #5

Quote from: scripple – It is that users who DO have permission to use PMs see the option to send PMs to the users in the group that cannot receive them.
Okay, yes indeed I misunderstood the problem.

Just to confirm: I don't think this has ever been the case anyway, in the sense that, if you are able to send a PM, you see the button even for people that are not able to read them.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #6

Even if it's always been that way I still think it's worth fixing.

Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #7

It's just a technicality not to call it a bug. :P

Because there are... implications in this behaviour, and I'm not entirely sure are always wanted.
For example, if you set a group "banned" without permission of accessing the PMs area, the other members will infer a certain user is banned from the fact they cannot send them a PM (yes, I know, there are people that want big flashing lights on each banned member, but there are also others that do not want anything to show).

I'm not saying this is either good or bad, just listing the things I see that can happen in a case or another.
And feedback is welcome.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: Users who can't use PMs still have send PM options shown to user others

Reply #8

Fair enough.  For my purposes I don't want the buttons showing but I see your concern.  I'll eventually look into hacking at least the message display to hide them.