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Goodbye Started by TigerAnt · · Read 5395 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Minimum php version for Elk 2.0


I have waited for you guys to get a halfway decent sight to work, but now all you have seem to do it mess up what you had. The new update sucks and it does not work right. So I guess I will be moving to the other guys. I just do not understand why anyone put out stuff that Just doesn't work right.

I seem to have forgotten, that what your offer is for free and those who work on this give their time freely. I meant no disrespect to you guys/gals.
Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 05:25:32 pm by Brother John

Re: Goodbye

Reply #1

Thank you Brother :D

Re: Goodbye

Reply #2

@Brother John thank you for your feedback and all the best.
As usual, in all open source projects, when people see something that doesn't work have two choises: pack or help.
1.1.1 is a security release that fixes also some bug found in 1.1.0, but not all. When a security issue is involved, there is to take decisions and I personally prefere to leave bugs open rather than leave security holes open. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Goodbye

Reply #3


Re: Goodbye

Reply #4

Quote from: Brother John – I just do not understand why anyone put out stuff that Just doesn't work right.
Sorry for your decision, but there is also a good part, at least the team put some work, released a new version and corrected some bugs. There are other forums that are not releasing new versions since years.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Goodbye

Reply #5

What exactly do you dislike? what things did not you like?

Sorry for my English

Re: Goodbye

Reply #6

I think he dont understand, that we all peoples, they use our free time to work on a project that we give free to any other.
And .. nobody is perfect, so smaller bugs and other mistakes in a bigger software is total normal.
And  if we get a info about this, we also spend our free time, to find the problem and create a fix for that.

But it that all honored by our Member? A lot .. yes, but the bigger part .. no, never.
It's often havy frustrate for us .. but we make it and continue our work.

Please .. do not ask me, why I continue this all .. I can't say why.

Many are stubborn in relation to the path, a few in relation to the target.
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