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[ADDON] Block Disposable Email Started by Spuds · · Read 6107 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[ADDON] Block Disposable Email

This addon allows for the Blocking of Disposable Email  during registration and profile changes.

Block Disposable Email

This ElkArte addon is released under a MPL V1.1 license, a copy of it with its provisions is included with the package.

This addon prevents people from registering with disposable email addresses (dea) like the ones provided by mailinator (also known as throw-away email, one-time email). It protects your most important asset, your registered user base, by preventing contamination by fake accounts.

o The addon does not contain a list of domains to block, instead it uses the service of This is a very accurate free service for up to 200 queries a month. For larger sites several pay plans are available.  Using the service is more accurate and prevents having to do local maintenance of blacklists etc.
o The addon, when activated, prevents both registering with a DEA as well as changing to a DEA (via profile edits)

Repo / Download
Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 05:45:55 pm by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #1

Sounds good, but is there a chance for a version where can put a list into, as well?
For those that may find email address domains not in the list, or want to block a certain domain?

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #2

I second the list request, me and Burke have a very long one that is usually good enough ;D
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #3

There are a bunch of blocklists. That would be easy to implement but you should probably take this to another topic.

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #4

Quote from: Joshua Dickerson – There are a bunch of blocklists. That would be easy to implement but you should probably take this to another topic.

This is a question about this addon. This is the right topic to post that in.
We are asking about the chance to have an input field, to add email domains that we find not to be in the blacklists.
In case we get hit by spam bots using a new domain, or something.

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #5

No, the addon specifically integrates a service. What you're asking for is a similar effect with a completely different idea. It has nothing similar in implementation; only in effect.

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #6

Quote from: Joshua Dickerson – No, the addon specifically integrates a service. What you're asking for is a similar effect with a completely different idea. It has nothing similar in implementation; only in effect.

No, what I am asking, is to add a field, to this addon, where people can add other domains to be blocked.
So those email domains also, will be blocked.

So yes, very much same idea.

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #7

I have a few ideas on things I may add at some point, but right now this meets my needs.

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #8

French translation in attachment

Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #9

merci beaucoup ... added it to the dist. package


Re: [ADDON] Block Disposable Email

Reply #10

Updated package to support ElkArte 1.1