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Time to move on... Started by Burke Knight · · Read 4124 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Time to move on...

After so many years of supporting SMF and then ElkArte, I have decided to finally end my days of self hosted forums, and get back to a less hectic life of just regular websites, and a hosted forum, one that worked with, off and on, for far longer than even did SMF.

So, I'll no longer be using SMF, ElkArte or SimplePortal, and will no longer make new addons or themes, but will support the ones I have out, even if they will not be updated..

Thank you all, who have been friends of mine, for so long, but it's time to move on.

I wish the best of luck for ElkArte and SimplePortal, but forgive me if I do not share the same for SMF.

Take care, and may everyone have a great time doing whatever they choose to do.

Burke Knight

Re: Time to move on...

Reply #1

Hey BK

Best of luck in your next endeavors and thanks for all your help and support.  Hope you still find time to drop by from time to time and help keep us honest :D

Re: Time to move on...

Reply #2

Have a great time @burke knight

Re: Time to move on...

Reply #3

I don't really know what self-hosted forum actually means but good luck.

This is a malay poem:
"Hidup itu adalah gerak
Gerak itu adalah maju
Jatuh bangun jatuh bangun
Kita tiada tempoh yang harus terbuang" - Buya Hamka


Re: Time to move on...

Reply #4

What all the others said! :)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.