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[1.0.3] Tooltip author name -> usergroups Started by Jorin · · Read 4012 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[1.0.3] Tooltip author name -> usergroups

I hope you understand what I mean... When I read a thread and move the mouse over a user name a small window appears with some informations about this user. The group he is a member of is listed too. But: It seems only groups based on number of posts are listed here. True?

I realized this the moment I looked on this window of a user who is member of a special group. But he has no group listed in this window.

Re: [1.0.3] Tooltip author name -> usergroups

Reply #1

Depends on how the group is set.
If it is a primary group (like for me "global moderator"), you see if just under the avatar, not in the dropdown/tooltip.
If it is a secondary group, then these are not displayed at all, and it is currently the intended behaviour.
It may be changed, of course if it is not the generally expected behaviour.
In the meantime you may find useful:
Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 02:34:43 pm by Spuds
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Re: [1.0.3] Tooltip author name -> usergroups

Reply #2

Actually... that one may be an interesting feature for admins (or at least people with permission to edit member groups): listing the groups a member belongs too would make it easier to spot problems or oddities.
What do you think?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: [1.0.3] Tooltip author name -> usergroups

Reply #3

As I started this topic: Yes, fine by me!  ;D