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undefined index in GenericBoards Started by Jorin · · Read 4710 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from another undefined index

undefined index in GenericBoards

I have some more, but I think I missed some changes in the language files you made.

Code: [Select]
Art des Fehlers: Undefiniert
Undefined index: link
Datei: /www/htdocs/w00f21f1/elkhilfe_forum/themes/default/GenericBoards.template.php (boardindex_outer_below sub template - eval?)
Zeile: 311

Art des Fehlers: Undefiniert
Undefined index: time
Datei: /www/htdocs/w00f21f1/elkhilfe_forum/themes/default/GenericBoards.template.php (boardindex_outer_below sub template - eval?)
Zeile: 311

Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #1

Can you disable template evaluation (search "eval" in the admin search to find it, I don't remember where it is at the moment lol).

ETA: hmm... it seems to be exactly in that file and line, anyway a confirmation may help.
Does it happen in some specific circumstance or "always"?
Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 04:40:31 am by emanuele
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Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #2

I'm not sure what I was looking at when I wrote it was the correct file... :-\

I think it is in BoardIndex.template.php.
If it is so, I'm not sure how it could happen, because link and time are always set.

If you can disable the evaluation of templates, if/when the error comes back could you please post the new error message @Jorin?
Thanks! ;D
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Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #3

Same error for me, I disabled the template evaluation. The erros I got are:
Tipo di errore: Non specificato
8: Undefined index: time;c=2;sa=collapse;fbcbbab2a97a=7f49d8104e9268cc544178018a878b4fApplica /***/themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php
Riga: 309

I also have Undefined index: link on the same file and same row 309.
Row 309:
Code: [Select]
					', (!empty($context['latest_post']) ? $txt['latest_post'] . ': <strong>"' . $context['latest_post']['link'] . '"</strong>  ( ' . $context['latest_post']['time'] . ' )' : ''), ' - <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=recent">', $txt['recent_view'], '</a>
sorry for my bad english

Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #4

What url? The board index?
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Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #5

2 of them for this link
Code: [Select];c=2;sa=collapse;fbcbbab2a97a=7f49d8104e9268cc544178018a878b4f
other two for:
Code: [Select]

all 4 errors are from the same user
sorry for my bad english

Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #6

Do you have child boards of child boards? (I may try, but at the moment I don't have the development computer handy... :( )
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Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #7

Sorry, but I don't know if I understand well. Do you mean sub boards? Like we have here on elkarte: Theme development, Sub-boards:
 Theme development archive. If so, no I don't have
sorry for my bad english

Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #8

Yep, that was the question.

Well, I'm almost completely lost on this one...
Does that user have anything "special"?
Particular group?
Maybe he can see an empty board?
Maybe he has some boards in the ignore list?
Is moderator somewhere?
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Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #9

Is a normal user, one of the most active. I'll post other errors if I will find them. I'll check later
sorry for my bad english


Re: undefined index in GenericBoards

Reply #10

I was sure I heard about it not so long ago!

Let' continue on the other discussion, just because there is a fix posted.
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