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Mobile - Resize Attachment Image Started by ahrasis · · Read 3715 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Mobile - Resize Attachment Image

I found that attachment image become too big when enlarge in the mobile view. How do we resize it (most probabbly by using css) so that it will only be as big as the screen size is? I am still checking on this and will update later.

Re: Mobile - Resize Attachment Image

Reply #1

I find that Attachments.subs.php is calling the following as the attachment image:
Code: [Select]
$scripturl . '?action=dlattach;topic=' . $topic . '.0;attach=' . $attachment['id_attach']

The attachment pop up page is also empty from any styling or division. The only thing it has it just body and img. How do I modify this so that it will always open wrapped in accordance with the browser size? Or is there any other better way to do this?

Re: Mobile - Resize Attachment Image

Reply #2

not a real solution but with Fancybox the attachments and also images inserted with tag IMG are responsive.
sorry for my bad english


Re: Mobile - Resize Attachment Image

Reply #3

I'll give a try then... ::)