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Travis Started by emanuele · · Read 11679 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Travis

Reply #1

I saw that and of course started looking at alternatives :P .... looks like we should get 1000 min of test time per month (for now) which should be plenty.  The only alternatives that may be of interest are circleci and github actions.

I updated the build matrix for the 1.1.7 patch to only run 3 environments to cut down on the usage time, but also because a couple of weeks ago, builds were stuck in the queue for hours, and then it would only release 3 jobs at a time.  It was taking 4-5 hours to get a result back (seems better these last few days). 

That length of time also makes the code coverage report on scuit pretty useless since it times out waiting for the report Travis produces.   The development branch uses codecov bot so I don't think it will be affected by Travis being so darn slow.

So we will see how that all rolls out!

Re: Travis

Reply #2

Is it 1000 per month, or it is 1000 in total and then we need to apply for more? I was a bit confused by that.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
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Re: Travis

Reply #3

You may be right!  I thought I read somewhere that it was per month, but reading that again seems like its a one time thing.  If so we will need to find a new place to do testing, for all the pain Travis has put us through with their random updates, they should be paying the OSS projects.


Re: Travis

Reply #4

Just to note, this was fix/closed since we moved all the tests to Github Actions for 2.0.   1.x is still on Travis ATM, should not matter.