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PAID: RE-COLOR Elk for me Started by derived · · Read 4602 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

PAID: RE-COLOR Elk for me

Please pardon me if I missed a better place to post this.

I'd like to hire someone to make a theme for me.
It's really just a recolor job.
But I want it for light and social.

Red        #BF0A30
Grey       #91A3B0
Blue       #002868
White     #FFFFFF  (in small amounts)

OH! and the green highlighting color...I'd like changed to a goldish/yellow please.

I don't want the white backgrounds...something easy on the eyes
a alternating gradient color so they are clearly separate....perhaps a lighter gray and a red

I'm not going to beat anyone up about pricing.
Not going be real picky about the color placement.

Mostly use your own judgement of best appearance.
Long as do that, no need for a lot of back and forth samples.

I only ask be reasonable and helpful if a addon or new version need a color tweaking.
For which I would also accept a reasonable fee.

I'm ready to go.
I anticipate this being fairly quick and simple.
(but then if I was competent I'd be doing it maybe not as simple/quick as I think)

If your interested, & can accept paypal payment, shoot me a price.
By post or msg, which ever you prefer.

Re: PAID: RE-COLOR Elk for me

Reply #1

I can give you my custom css file for light variant plus a short how-to so you can change the colors on your own. And I don't want any money for it. Interested?

Doing this for the be social variant should'nt be too different. I think we can work this out together in a real short amount of time.

Re: PAID: RE-COLOR Elk for me

Reply #2

I don't have time today, but I will post it here tomorrow.

Re: PAID: RE-COLOR Elk for me

Reply #3

Here's the file.

I don't know if it's the right way, but it worked for me (till @emanuele found the hamburger button).  ;)

I wanted to change the color of the categories and buttons. So I used the developement tools of my browser to find out what css codes I had to change to alter the colors, and notepad++ to work with the files. With this editor you can easily search for color codes and change them. Every browser has these developement tools, as standard or as plugin. I copied the css code step for step into my custom css, changed the color and uploaded it to see what happens with the theme. If it worked, I continued with the next code block. I kind of optimized the default theme a bit too this way.

Better make a copy of your theme via the admin section of ElkArte, then change your profile to this theme. You can now start to play with the custom css file. The file has to be in the css folder of the theme variant you want to use.

The file attached is only for the light variant of the default theme. I didn't work with the be social variant, so I can't offer a file therefor.

Re: PAID: RE-COLOR Elk for me

Reply #4

Another example from where you can start is this theme, just a custom.css file

It makes you understand better what you need to change.
sorry for my bad english