Re: [Project] Simple Gallery Reply #15 – August 05, 2015, 06:04:10 am Comments can be made through disqus
Re: [Project] Simple Gallery Reply #16 – February 05, 2016, 04:11:47 am 2 years without a gallery. Event the Fancybox addon is no longer available. So I am thinking of using the Inline Attachment plugin to show attached images inside the post. Are there any bugs coming with this plugin or is it stable enough to be "our gallery"?
Re: [Project] Simple Gallery Reply #17 – February 05, 2016, 04:31:36 am There are at least 3 users here that are using the Aeva mod on elkarte. The problem is that the addon cannot be redistributedWaht about posting the edits you made to make it work with elkarte? This is not illegal, am I wrong?The ILA is not completed, you should insert the bbcode manually. It works fine, I have some errors in my logs but it works. Probably in the next release 1.1.x will be into the core of ElkarteQuote from: Jorin – February 05, 2016, 04:11:47 amEvent the Fancybox addon is no longer available. is still availble: