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Guests and ILA Started by meetdilip · · Read 4420 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Guests and ILA

How would guest see an image attached via ILA ? Do they see it as an attachment or as an image. Will the same cause  " Attachment Download " abuse ? I am ok with giving images to guests. But not attachments.

Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #1

Isn't it similar to the other question you asked about permissions? (Or should I go sleep considering my head aches since this morning and now is past midnight?)
The "abuse" is also reported as bug somewhere and anyway is in the todo list somewhere.

In general attachments are permission based (like always), and attachments download here has always been allowed for anybody, guests included. And this is something I'm not going to argue about: the setting is this way and it shall not be changed. <= Scrap that part, I thought it was in another board, sorry...
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Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #2

I had this question in my mind for some time. Thought would ask away :)

Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #3

It seems a scraped a bit too much of the answer... heck I'm really tired...
Anyway: who can see attachments can download them. Who is not allowed to see cannot download.
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Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #4

I have seen in vB they give ILA through image attachment option in editor. And other files as normal " available at bottom " attachments. By this way we can restrict access to attachments only to members and image for all.

Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #5

It wouldn't make any difference in Elk (at least the way it is now), because there is no difference between an image and an "attachment": both are attachments and both can be either seen or not.
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Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #6

So, what happens if guests do not have permission to view attachments. How will be an image displayed to them ?

Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #8

Any chance, we can display a thumbnail and say that you need to register to view images ?


Re: Guests and ILA

Reply #9

From me it's very unlikely I'm going to code it.
I wouldn't be neither in favour nor against anyone coding it.
Considering what we have handy at the moment (i.e. several bugs to fix and release "soon"), I think I would prefer an addon for 1.1, but again no strong feeling about it.
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