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Addon payment ideas Started by live627 · · Read 3393 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Addon payment ideas

So earlier I dropped a hint about making a gallery and I've been mulling over the idea of getting monetary compensation: I could make it paid or donationware.

I'm mainly concerned about not breaking the wonderful community spirit going on here, since a paywall goes diametrically against it. Donations aren't guaranteed, since the addon would be obtainable without paying a dime.

I've also been thinking of starting up a Patreon and adding some small perks, eg. sponsorship.

Thoughts? I know money can be quite divisive, and as such, should be discussed carefully.
LiveGallery - Simple gallery addon for ElkArte

Re: Addon payment ideas

Reply #1

I personally have nothing against paid addons.
Actually, I have nothing even against donations made to people to fix bugs or develop features. If someone is willing to pay and someone is willing to do the development I don't see anything wrong with it.[1]

What I (personally) am not interested in, is create a marketplace here at to let third parties sell addons. The feeling I have is that this would brings more troubles then the advantages for the project could be.
Of course, I'm not against others creating such a marketplace (and if they are successful, a 10 euro donation every now and then or some manpower as reward for the script that allowed them to make some bucks would not be frowned upon by me :P).
Maybe, in that case, I'd suggest to propose the feature to the public before starting development because it may have some problem being accepted. That said, off the top f my head, I can't see much problems with any feature at all, unless maybe for a feature that converts the forum into something else. But considering where 1.1 is heading in respect to extensions, even the most annoying feature could be disabled almost entirely and so it wouldn't be a pain to anyone except those using it.
Anyway, the best option, is always to develop the idea as an addon and then propose the integration into the "core".
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Addon payment ideas

Reply #2

A Gallery would be a super addition to Elk. Go ahead with what suits your payment needs. :)