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[fixed] Group Icon Not Showing Started by MangeCur · · Read 3854 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[fixed] Group Icon Not Showing

The group icons for admins randomly won't show, nor will icons for new groups. Groups which were already on the site have their icons working just fine? I'm very confused as to how to fix this. :/ They're also showing in the "joining" group in the member's list instead of in the primary group. I'm really confused as to why this happening. The "joining" group is basically the regular users group renamed. Everyone is by default in this group and cannot be removed, of course. However, neither the "Random Event" group are working as they should be. Additionally - how would I give Rando admin access but show the group as being "Random Event" rather than "Admin" without making the Admin group invisible?

Re: Group Icon Not Showing

Reply #1

Groups are a rather complex thing, and depending on what you did it there may be different reasons for what you described.

1) Be sure the admin group is not invisible.
2) In order to be shown, the group shall be a primary membergroup (go to the profile page and then in account settings).

Quote from: MangeCur – The group icons for admins randomly won't show,
There is for sure nothing random, it's just a pattern you have not spotted (yet).
So, describe where and when exactly it is shown or not so that we can try to pinpoint the issue. you are having. ;)

Quote from: MangeCur – Additionally - how would I give Rando admin access but show the group as being "Random Event" rather than "Admin" without making the Admin group invisible?
You set the admin group as an "additional membergroup" in Rando profile (see point 2 above).
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Re: Group Icon Not Showing

Reply #2

@emanuele Thanks! I'm still  learning how ElkArte functions but now that I see how simple it is I feel silly for getting so confused! I was able to fix it right away. I think during the process I somehow made it so they just didn't have anything assigned, though honestly I don't know how I managed it.


Re: [fixed] Group Icon Not Showing

Reply #3


I think I know the feeling. O:-)
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