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"sub"?!? Started by Jorin · · Read 7345 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Letztendlich hängt das vor allem vom Fahrprofil ab. Und zwar vom tatsächlichen und nicht vom gefühlten Fahrprofil. Gäbe es den i3 mit 60kWh Akku und 100kW Ladeleistung (real) würde ich keinen REX mehr dazu bestellen. Ausserdem könnte ich, bei meinem Fahrprofil, alle Fahrten ohne bzw. mit max. 5 Minuten Ladestop (Winter) erledigen. Letzte Woche sind wir mal wieder die 2x400km Reise angetreten und weil wir uns beeilen wollten, sind wir bei der Hinfahrt 70km und bei der Rückfahrt 80km mit REX gefahren. Beide Fahrten haben wir 1x für knapp 30 Minuten geladen. Nach dem REX-Betrieb hab ich 7.9l Benzin nachgefüllt. Jetzt könnte BMW anstelle des 2-Zyl. REX einen FKLG verbauen, das würde die Effizienz noch steigern. Ob der dann mit LPG, CNG, Benzin oder H2 läuft, macht in der Gesamtbetrachtung nicht viel Unterschied.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #1

Check the code of the post please. The Link is not set in [sub]! Happening with ElkArte 1.0.10 and here with 1.1.1 also.

I tried to figure out what happens with exactly this post. If you post only a part of it, the link is shown correctly. Must be a combination of things happening to get this error.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #2

hmm... I'm not sure what you see wrong.
I see a link and around FKLG and a bit futher, but the two do not interact in any way. ???
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #3

Try the IE. The text of the link "FKLG" looks with IE like this:


I made the red line to show you the text is a bit down under.  ;)

Edit: When I choose "full size" and left alignment for the attached image, it looks like this with IE here at


Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #4

Which version of IE?

Can we drop support for any browser that doesn't show thing right? :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #5

We can drop the support for IE.  ;)

It's IE 11.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #6

Okay, will see what I can come up with.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #8

What to do what to do ......

I see the misalignment on webkit browsers as well.  I tried to describe the issue here GitHub   One "fix" would  to add
Code: [Select]
.messageContent > a.bbc_link, #preview_body > a.bbc_link {
margin-top: -4px;
to index.css that should bring things back into alignment and keep the same link shorting behavior we have today.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #9

@Spuds did you try a vertical-align: middle?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #10

I did but it did not fix the problem.  Actually a.bbc_link already has a vertical-align: middle;

But now instead of the negative margin,  I tried a vertical-align: top; which seems to work (using the same targeting in my previous post, otherwise the signature links get mussed up)

Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #11

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: "sub"?!?

Reply #12

I tried just setting the a.bbc_links to vertical-align: top and that seems to have worked.  

I know I tried before and the signature links were messed up (via the developer panel) but now I can't reproduce that.  So I committed the change from middle to top.