smiley order
In smilies setup using the tab change smiley order, can drag and drop the smilies in the order I want OK but it doesn't stick.
There appears to be no "save" or "apply" button.
Re: smiley order
Reply #1 –
Works fine here locally, when the smiley is moved a blue-ish bar at the top appears saying the new position is saved and reloading the post page the order is the new one.
Re: smiley order
Reply #6 –
Thanks, I had just woken up and was grumpy. Please ignore my rant!! I have got it to work OK now.
Overall I am pleased with Elkarte. A refreshing take on phpBB forums and I hope it continues to grow. I only found out about it because Sofilicous on my host offered it alongside phpBB etc. It deserves to be better known.
Re: smiley order
Reply #8 –
Yes if I do it that way it moves them but doesn't remember!
Re: smiley order
Reply #10 –
If I try to use drag and drop from the screen where the "blue arrows" are displayed then "drag and drop" does not work.
The blue arrows were the "old" way of arranging the icons, I think it works w/o JS,. Once you see the "blue" arrows it means you have selected a specific icon to move and you need to now select the blue arrow where you want it be placed. That "old" way worked for me.
To use drag and drop you need to start from the initial "Smiley Set Order" screen, click hold the smiley to move and drag it to the new location and drop it ... that worked fine for me.
Probably time to drop the old non JS way of moving the icons to avoid confusion
Re: smiley order
Reply #13 –
I'll add that, or should I say remove that, to the 2.0 line ...
I've made a change to my local so D&D is not active should you click into the old way of doing things (for 1.1) to avoid errors and confusion.