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Migration of Started by Jorin · · Read 13471 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Migration of

Reply #15

I started looking into the development branch again (yeah, this topic is not the best place to talk about it, though.... heh :P).
The main problem with that importer is (apart few bugs I squashed) that it doesn't deal very well (i.e. it breaks most of the times) with errors. So, if there is a problem the converter chokes and dies in an unpredictable way (still).
That is a "known bug", because is the side-effect of having re-worked half of the code in a short period of time without thinking too much to errors, but focusing on the "right path".
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Migration of

Reply #16

@TE did it! The migration was successful, the board is running with ElkArte now! Congratulations!

Re: Migration of

Reply #17

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Migration of

Reply #18

Hey... Site URL is still a secret, Jorin.  ;) It is still not finished and the old frontpage O:-)  should really get a better styling someday by somebody.

Pushing and crossposting is strictly forbidden in our forum, but maybe it is allowed here? :P (Wenn Jorin das macht, dann mach ich's auch)