This mod is not fully hook yet because I have not test it using action hooks for it i.e. integrate_action_login_after and integrate_action_logout_after. I forgot all about it until I review other posts relating to hook.
Do you think that these modification code can be added via the above mentioned action hooks instead?
1. integrate_action_login_after
global $modSettings;
if (!empty($modSettings['login_redirect_enable']) && !empty($modSettings['login_redirect_url']))
if (empty($_SESSION['login_url']))
$_SESSION['login_url'] = $modSettings['login_redirect_url'];
2. integrate_action_logout_after
global $modSettings;
if (!empty($modSettings['logout_redirect_enable']) && !empty($modSettings['logout_redirect_url']))
if (empty($_SESSION['logout_url']))
$_SESSION['logout_url'] = $modSettings['logout_redirect_url'];
I will test later when I am on my own laptop.
Edited: Naaah... I can test it here too and it is working. It is fully hook now.
Edited again: Noooo... It was the leftovers from the unhook version. It's not working.