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Menitiong users with stupid usernames .. Started by TE · · Read 4352 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

A bug a or just a username which should be forbidden?  ;D

Try to mention "a great@username"
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

Reply #1

I think it should be reserved and I also think that reserved names should allow for regular expressions to make it more robust. The simple * or % is great, but there is a lot more.

Re: Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

Reply #2

I think it is limited to names that have a space after the first char, something like "TE has a grate username" may be successfully recognized. It *may*, I'm not sure.

Also, the quick reply (in plain-text mode) is still broken in respect to for example [SiNaN]'s nick, because I forgot to port the necessary changes to the code (while the full reply or quick reply with the editor should find it properly).
Bugs creator.
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Re: Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

Reply #3

By chance yesterday I was wandering around at Twitter and I realized it uses what would correspond to our "member_name" to mention.

Dunno which is the best, use the member_name is kind of attractive because the day Elk will not allow to change it (and I hope that day will come soon! ;D), the structure of the member_name could be simplified allowing just letters+numbers+underscors and deal with odd names wouldn't be a problem any more.

But of course I expect people to want to be able to mention by any kind of name... dunno.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

Reply #4

Guess I need more explanation ... today members don't know others members_names (login name) unless its the same, so how could they use that.  Are you suggesting that the screen name and login name be the same?

Re: Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

Reply #5

At twitter you have the "nick" used to mention (e.g. @ElkArteForum) and the name.
Of course, under your profile, you have always an "@ElkArteForum" to tell people to contact you by that, but you "real name" is the other one.

For example:
name: ElkArte
mention: elkarteforum

The "name" would be in Elk-terms... the name.
While the mention would be the username (the one normal users cannot change, only admins).
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

Reply #6

I think tagging @[SiNaN] works in QR now. Sorry, Sinan.

Re: Menitiong users with stupid usernames ..

Reply #7

 [SiNaN] looks at the title.

Ouch! That hurt...