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User attachments preview Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 3665 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

User attachments preview

I just downloaded two of emanuele's attachments that I really didn't want to because I thought they were previews.

Instead of downloading the attachment when you click it, it should give you a preview as a lightbox/modal. That modal should contain links to download and view the originating message.

BTW, I really like that feature and really like the chosen icons.

Re: User attachments preview

Reply #1

Good point on those, they should act like they would under a post and have a link back to the post as well.  Should add this to github as a feature request so we remember :D

For anyone not familiar with those, when you view a users profile and select their "recent activity" tab, in that listing are the recent attachments they have posted.  You will see an image or icon if its a know mime type.