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Droopy thingy under page index stuffz Started by Antechinus · · Read 5349 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

I'm referring to the extra page numbers that appear beneath the ... when you hover over it.

Frankly, I'm not sure why this was included at all. It's cute and clever, but it doesn't add anything useful to functionality. To use it, you have to hover over the ... then track down to the droppy thingy, then scroll to the number you want, all on a comparatively tiny target which is not really suited to dog leg tracking. Also, it sometimes appears when you don't want it to, and just hangs around getting in the way.

IOW, it's cute, and people can say "Oh, look at that" the first couple of times they see it, but it doesn't add anything worth having. In practice it's just as fast, and a lot cleaner, to just click the ... and grab the required number out of the expanded list. The SMF 2.0.x version was actually functionally better here, IMO, and certainly required far less code to run it.
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Re: Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

Reply #1

Yes the drop numbers get five more at a time thing is silly.   It seems I casually drag the mouse cursor over those things lots of times and they very rarely actually notice I've dragged them open.  So if I want to close them (which I generally don't care) I have to carefully go over and hover over them move slowly away to make them know I didn't really want them.

Re: Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

Reply #2

Quote from: Antechinus – IOW, it's cute, and people can say "Oh, look at that" the first couple of times they see it, but it doesn't add anything worth having. In practice it's just as fast, and a lot cleaner, to just click the ... and grab the required number out of the expanded list. The SMF 2.0.x version was actually functionally better here, IMO, and certainly required far less code to run it.
Try using it on a topic with more than 20 pages... >_>
It is still there though, nothing has changed in that respect.
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Re: Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

Reply #3

I have tried using it in a topic with more than 20 pages. That's how I know. :D

And I know it's still there. I'm saying the extra geewhizzery doesn't add anything useful, and just complicates the code. Complicating the code without adding anything useful is generally not a good idea.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

Reply #4

So you have used the original expand with a topic of for example 120 pages and you are happy with it?
Cool. I thought multiple clicks on a point running in space was bad, while just moving the mouse over a spot was easier.
Oh well, as you wish.

BTW, just for the record: to me the expand is c****y as hell, the scroller was one step towards something more usable (I know it was not the best for usability), so now it's your turn to propose something that may actually work *well*.
Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 05:03:24 pm by emanuele
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Re: Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

Reply #5

I don't think it needs another proposal. I think the old system is fine for what it is. It's quick and easy to use. It may not be perfect, but it's pretty good.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

Reply #6

Did not the old system still work (click on the ... ) even with the hover and scroll candy?  

The trouble with the old method (I thought) was that you continually had to click some ... things to keep opening up the tree, can't remember, thought it was hard to get to page xx?

Anyway if we remove it, I smell addon :D

Re: Droopy thingy under page index stuffz

Reply #7

Yeah the old system still worked, but the new bitz were frequently annoying due to appearing when not wanted, and didn't seem to add anything useful. I could find a page I wanted much faster using the old system anyway. It's not hard to get to a certain page,. It's easy. Trying to use the droopy thingy made it harder (IMO).

The droopy thingy would, I suspect, be pretty useless on touchscreen anyway due to the size and the hover operation. If people think it is really necessary to have something else, then I could probably think of some things that might work. At the moment I don't see it as necessary.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P