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Voting closed: December 12, 2012, 10:43:45 pm

[bug/s]Drafts Started by TestMonkey · · Read 9977 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


I don't know if I was dreaming...
# With one draft saved, for a different topic
# Start another topic
# Save a draft for it
# Load drafts
=> only the last draft is listed, the first wasn't...

I don't replicate it when I have more drafts: it loads the entire list. Either it misses only if it's only one draft in your profile, or I was drunk.

Another trick: you can save a draft with no name. But you won't be able to load it, since there's no link.  8)

ETA: quick edit test.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: [bug/s]Drafts

Reply #1

Ok, just tried this, starting with an empty drafts folder.

1/ Make topic.

2/ Save draft of OP (that works).

3/ Post Topic.

4/ Make another topic.

5/ Save draft of second topic's OP.

6/ Post second topic.

Result: drafts folder is emptied. :D
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: [bug/s]Drafts

Reply #2

This is intended behavior. The draft of a message is removed when you post the message. (imagine how many drafts would be stored otherwise, and in particular if you have the option to save automatically enabled...)

When testing drafts, I didn't always post yet, just move to another topic or board.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: [bug/s]Drafts

Reply #3

Intended behavior:
# for an existing topic, only drafts saved for this topic are available for you to load.

It works.

Intended behavior:
# you have drafts for replies to various topics saved.
# when you post in another existing topic, your drafts will not be available for loading.
# when you post a new topic, they are all available for loading.

This works.

Bug (I think):
# at step 3 (new topic), if you load a draft to an[other] existing topic, then when you post, your message is posted to the former topic... not as a new topic.
It's unexpected for me as user. I would expect to load the content and continue what I was doing: post a new topic. (even with a "Re:" initial title)

I think this is one (more) aspect that makes it worth to add post select board mod to the post page: give the user the choice.

I want to fix this, after or in the meantime as we're refactoring drafts. Grumble if you must (while you still have time :P).
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: [bug/s]Drafts

Reply #4


# click on 'preview' from quick reply.
=> the post page does not display preview.
# click on 'preview' again (on the post page)
=> now preview works.
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: [bug/s]Drafts

Reply #5

QuoteAnother trick: you can save a draft with no name. But you won't be able to load it, since there's no link.  8)

# click on 'preview' from quick reply.
=> the post page does not display preview.
# click on 'preview' again (on the post page)
=> now preview works.
Should also be fixed now

QuoteBug (I think):
# at step 3 (new topic), if you load a draft to an[other] existing topic, then when you post, your message is posted to the former topic... not as a new topic.
It's unexpected for me as user. I would expect to load the content and continue what I was doing: post a new topic. (even with a "Re:" initial title)

I think this is one (more) aspect that makes it worth to add post select board mod to the post page: give the user the choice.

I want to fix this, after or in the meantime as we're refactoring drafts. Grumble if you must (while you still have time :P).
Yeah from the posting screen of a new topic, if you select an existing draft that was a reply to another topic then it takes you back to that topic (as though you hit reply) ....  We could either
1) Not show reply drafts when you are in a new topic screen
2) Have it post the reply instead as a new topic in the area you choose the new topic

Re: [bug/s]Drafts

Reply #6

It seems to me that now only new topics are listed, so he bug is fixed. :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.