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Moderation Notification Started by AaronB · · Read 4140 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Moderation Notification

Presently when a post is reported the GM and Admin get a flag indicating the report. At the point, either one will read the report and issue a warning and message if so deemed.

How about that when a post is reported, a message is also sent to the person that had their post reported? The message indicates that their post was reported and it is recommended that they review the the post and edit out any site violations.

The admin will see the original post and current post and based on the action taken by the original poster the Admin may or may not need to do anything. This puts some responsibility back onto the poster for their action and gives them a chance to edit the post before an Admin gets to it. It also can reduce the work load of the admin.

I have seen this used on several sites and it does a pretty of job of prompting the members to self police themselves.