Re: Bloat! We can haz?
Reply #1 –
I liked this idea so much I just went away and did it. It's not a big job to do at least on the template/user preference end (assuming you just always make them visible like I did). Experience has shown that if someone's going to lock a single topic, they're probably already in the topic anyway where there's a handy button.
The real mess is cleaning up quick moderation's back end afterwards which is a much nastier job. It didn't help that I did that some time after removing the UI end and didn't understand why there were these two very separate - and strange - paths to the code.
Re: Bloat! We can haz?
Reply #2 –
One thing I was thinking just a couple of days ago and barely related: the "MOVED" topics are now redirects and if they are not set to disappear after a while the only way to remove them is to enable quick moderation (that I usually have off because to me it's a waste of space) and use it.
I was thinking that a small icon for example where the "sticky" icon is could help a bit.
Re: Bloat! We can haz?
Reply #3 –
Why wouldn't they be set to disappear, if the staff want them to? Seems like a non-issue, in practice.
Re: Bloat! We can haz?
Reply #4 –
Because it's not on by default, because fudge nuggets happens, because...there are several reasons.