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More than one likes in a thread Started by Jorin · · Read 9935 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

More than one likes in a thread

Seems to be not possible, giving two ore more likes to different posts of the same author in one thread. :o

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #1

It should be possible ... Do you have the time / number limits set in the control panel? ( index.php?action=admin;area=featuresettings;sa=likes )   If so you could just be restricted due to that (adding to many likes in to short a time).

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #2

I can't change this. I have this problem here. ;) Wanted to like this post and the first post. But I can't.

Quote from: Spuds – ...(adding to many likes in to short a time).
No, can't like it with an hour difference between the first and the second try to like a post.

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #3

Just checked here and the settings are such that it should not have caused a problem ... I'll try to reproduce this on my local.

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #4


Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #5

Tried several ways on my local setup and have not been able to reproduce it (yet)

When you try like that post, does the icon change to the + when you hover over it?  Does anything happen when you click on the like icon (please check your browser console to see if you are getting a JS error and if its posting what the Post response is)


Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #6

I get a "+" on hover, yes. I get an "javasript:void(0)" in the status bar too. When I click the like button, nothing happens. Browser is IE9 64Bit on Windows 7.

Oh... I tried to click on it with developer tools of IE open. It said I should refresh the site. I did, and now I liked the post! :o  Don't know what this was... :-X Sorry for the inconvenience. :-[

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #7

Well glad it finally worked  :)  I'll play around with IE9 a bit and see if we have some ajax / refresh issue.  Sounds as if it may have been liked but your browser never refreshed for some reason.  

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #8

Is there are time limit set on this site? During my tests, I noticed that it won't give any warnings even if like/unlike has failed due to time limit and silently ignore the click. I expected it to throw some kind of warning.

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #9

Just took a look, its set to 10 likes in 1 minute.    I don't recall it having capability to displaying any type of "flood" waning but I'll take a look at that ajax handler to see what we can do (or if its there and simply not working or not used).

Any preferences if we should just give a quick slider notice up top or the more stop what you are doing modal box.

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #10

I think slider notice would be good enough. It's not a huge issue.

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #11

I fixed it in a PR I'm working on, the controller was failing to provide an "error" response when the limit was exceeded. 

Just to note, currently the ajax controller for likes has a modal box so thats what I used for hat error.   Providing a warning and an error method in our various ajax controllers may be a good thing for 1.1.

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #12

That sounds good. ;)

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #13

@Ruth  played Miss Marple the last days and experienced this, which I think I can testify 'cause it seems it's happening in both our boards, hers and mine:

You can like any post, this works well. Now it gets complicated. Puh. Remember ElkArte showing the numbers of likes in a thread on the board index? It seems that the count of likes on the board index only shows likes in threads you didn't start. If you start a thread it doesn't count the likes in this thread for yourself. Maybe others see the correct numbers, but you don't. And it seems it only counts +1 no matter how much likes a single post gets. And this seems to happen if you're logged in and logged out. Strange! :o

Re: More than one likes in a thread

Reply #14

Could be a "design choice".
On the board index only the "topic likes" (I've made up that name just now :P) are shown.
Now, the definition of "topic likes" is: the likes gives to the first message.

Let's make an example:
Inside the topic you can see that several messages have likes, for a total of 18. The first message has 10 likes, and on the board index you see 10 likes.

Could it fit into what you are experiencing?
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