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"Submit" themes Started by CrimeS · · Read 14573 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from [Theme] Silence

"Submit" themes

I was actually wondering how can you pull request on github, so I could add my own themes to ElkArte project :) After an hour I still wasn't able to sort it out.
Last Edit: September 05, 2014, 09:56:53 am by CrimeS - Premium & Free SMF/ElkArte Themes

Re: "Submit" themes

Reply #1

Git and github can be a pain. lol

BTW, I don't think merge the custom themes into the main repo is the best option, but there is a repo for themes if you want:
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Re: "Submit" themes

Reply #2

This is where I was trying to merge them. And yeah it is a real pain.

Re: "Submit" themes

Reply #3

Ohh okay! Sorry. :)

I'm not sure where you got stuck, so I cannot give you detailed advices, in general the idea is:
fork the repo
clone it locally
create a new branch
add and commit your files
push to your fork
send the pull request
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Re: "Submit" themes

Reply #4

Wow, your description is much easier than the github manual. It took me 10 minutes to do it "your way" :) One addition to your instruction is that you should pull request from your repository. Thank you!


Re: "Submit" themes

Reply #5

Indeed. Then I should also add "enable github notifications". lol
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Template killer.