Upcoming changes that will be distributed in 1.0.2 - part 4
Strings removed
$txt['permissionname_profile_server_avatar'] = 'Select an avatar from the server';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_server_avatar'] = 'If enabled this will allow a user to select an avatar from the avatar collections installed on the server.';
$txt['permissionname_profile_upload_avatar'] = 'Upload an avatar to the server';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_upload_avatar'] = 'This permission will allow a user to upload their personal avatar to the server.';
$txt['permissionname_profile_remote_avatar'] = 'Choose a remotely stored avatar';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_remote_avatar'] = 'Because avatars might influence the page creation time negatively, it is possible to disallow certain member groups to use avatars from external servers.';
Strings added
$txt['permissionname_profile_set_avatar'] = 'Select an avatar';
$txt['permissionhelp_profile_set_avatar'] = 'If enabled this will allow a user to select an avatar.';
Strings added
$txt['modlog_ac_database_backup'] = 'Database backup taken by {member}.';
$txt['modlog_ac_editing_theme'] = '{member} edited a theme.';
Strings added
$txt['package_ftp_bad_server'] = 'Could not contact server.';
Strings removed
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_server_avatar'] = 'Select a server avatar';
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_upload_avatar'] = 'Upload an avatar';
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_remote_avatar'] = 'Choose a remote avatar';
Strings added
$txt['group_perms_name_profile_set_avatar'] = 'Select an avatar';