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Migration of SMF to ElkArte Started by Jorin · · Read 81158 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Migration of SMF to ElkArte

The date for my migration is set: either next weekend (20th/21th) or the following weekend (27th/28th) I will migrate my SMF board (~850 users, ~65.000 posts, ~2.000 attachments) to ElkArte. Wish me luck! ;)

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #1

good luck and keep us updated!
sorry for my bad english

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #2

Good luck @Jorin

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #3

With Open Importer it's easy to convert SMF to ElkArte, I did this conversion (95526 posts, 3450 users) and it went exactly as planned.
But it was only test, can't move because we need gallery on this forum :|

Anyway, good luck :)

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #4

Good luck, Jorin! :)

What's about your gallery? I think you are using a gallery there?

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #5

Good luck with it! :D

Out of curiosity, is it your forum already UTF8?
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #6

Yes it is.

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #7

Quote from: Ruth – What's about your gallery? I think you are using a gallery there?

Yep, but the gallery is no problem. It is not used anymore. I only have to change old posts with a link directly to a file inside the gallery.


Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #8

What gallery are you using with SMF?
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #9

Aeva Media 1.4w. Works great. Why?

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #10

I think that it may be possible to at least restore "somehow"[1] the images in the posts.
Probably not in a perfect way, but at least in a way that would not require to edit all the old messages. That part is basically a bbcode, so it should be kind of "easy".
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #11

Sounds interesting. So it will automatically change the BBC from [id=123] (I think that's how the images are shown inside a post, but I'm not sure quite yet) to [img]http://pathtopicture.extension[/img]?

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #12

If I remember correctly is something like [smg=123], yes.
The idea would an "smg" bbc tag able to interpret the [smg=123] the same way AEVA does, and so return something similar to what you have now (at the moment I can't do a lot of coding, so it may take a few days, but this weekend I may be able to have a look at it).
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Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #13

Yes, it's [smg id=3657]. The ID can be found too in the database in table smf_aeva_files in field id_file. In the fields directory and filename the path to the image and the file name can be found.

So what I need is a script which searches all posts for such a BBC, looks for the id, then searches the table for this id, collects path and file name from this row, and changes the BBC in the post to [img][/img]. That would be perfect.

Re: Migration of SMF to ElkArte

Reply #14

I was more thinking not to change the posts, but to write a BBCode to convert the [smg id=3657] into an image, it seems easier to me. No?
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