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[Request] Merge double post Started by radu81 · · Read 12130 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #15

QuoteI thought topics with an edited post are marked as new, only the board icon is not changing? SMF did this. Elk not?
I'll have to check, I did not think the editing of a post marked anything as unread / new in either software TBH.

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #16

Quote from: Spuds – 1) If the last post was theirs, and they are within some period set by the admin, hitting "reply" simply opens up the last message in modify mode as though they had selected more -> modify.  This has two downsides that I can think of, 1) the update does not flag the message as new to those that read it already and 2) it would not work if posting by email  Maybe there is a way to flag it as new during and update, @emanuele do you know if that can be done?
I like the idea to hide the "Reply" button or quick editor
Quote from: Spuds – 2) Clicking reply acts normally, they post but the new post and the old post are "merged".  There are several complications with this, you need to merge attachments, update like counts, update any mentions both like and @ style, remove the original post, update member post counts, update board and topic counts, etc etc .. lots of busy work.  The plus side of this is that its a new post and will be flagged as such to everyone, it would work for posting by email, it can lead to a general message merge function for moderation,
if the first post has attachments the double post merge could be ignored. Same for likes. We know we have some limits posting images. If a user wants to post 20 images he has to make 2 posts
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #17

Somewhere around I did attempt this addon, trying several different approaches, merge "up", merge "down" etc etc ... Can't remember what I concluded if anything :P ... I think I wanted to add a hook to make it easier but @emanuele was in a mean mood and would not let me :P :D

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #18

 emanuele is innocent!

Was it the integrate_action_post_after? (Or in general the problem with the "_after" not being caught in case of redirectexit/fatal_error?)
ehh... I tired to properly fix it in 1.1, but it's not very easy... anyway... since when you have to wait for my approval to add something? :P
Bugs creator.
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Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #19

I remember it was something to do with _after not always triggering since there are some exits in the code ... don't remember what the full issue was anymore.  I was just using you as a cover for my laziness anyway  :P

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #20

any news on this? if I remember well @emanuele did something similar for SMF
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #21

I completely forgot about this one  :(
I do remember getting frustrated with which direction to merge up or down ... pros and cons for each way.  Meaning if someone double posts, should you keep the first and remove the second or remove the first and keep the second.  I can't remember the details now but it was around if either post had been liked and read or not and some other things.

Anyway I may take a look again, been putzing around with the bootstrap theme to much anyway :P

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #22

Quote from: Spuds – I completely forgot about this one  :(
no problem, take your time ;)

Quote from: Spuds – Meaning if someone double posts, should you keep the first and remove the second or remove the first and keep the second. 
I could say to keep the first message.
Quote from: Spuds – I can't remember the details now but it was around if either post had been liked and read or not and some other things.

The datils were these ?
Quote from: radu81 –
Quote from: Spuds – 2) Clicking reply acts normally, they post but the new post and the old post are "merged".  There are several complications with this, you need to merge attachments, update like counts, update any mentions both like and @ style, remove the original post, update member post counts, update board and topic counts, etc etc .. lots of busy work.  The plus side of this is that its a new post and will be flagged as such to everyone, it would work for posting by email, it can lead to a general message merge function for moderation,
if the first post has attachments the double post merge could be ignored. Same for likes. We know we have some limits posting images. If a user wants to post 20 images he has to make 2 posts

Quote from: Jorin – My users only do this when they quote multiple posts.
same for me in 90% of cases.
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #23

It must be!  That post lays out the issues in a well thought out and cognoscente way :D

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #24

OT: forget Bootstrap. Look at what @TE mentioned with MaterializeCSS. Google's Material is the new way to go with design ;)
Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 08:54:27 pm by Joshua Dickerson
Come work with me at Promenade Group

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #25

continued OT:

I saw that and have looked at it for sure.

I don't yet know how different the template structure would be between the two frameworks.   Really to get bootstrap going  you have to rip up all of the templates, at least to do it right.   Bootstrap loves div's, and grids.  It will be many months to get bootstrap'ed templates.

I never like to trust any Google stuff since they like to pull the plug on so many things, leaving you standing there with your tallywacker in your hand.

Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #26

OT again:
Bootstrap is "good" because it gives a certain "look&feel", and "bad" because it gives a certain "look&feel".
I think in any case, using a framework means re-do all the templates to "make it right", that is not a bad thing, but it would take ages.
The good thing is that if we plan to have a completely new theme, we can work to have it for 2.0, that means about an year and a half. :P
Bugs creator.
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Re: [Request] Merge double post

Reply #27

Quote from: radu81 – any news on this? if I remember well @emanuele did something similar for SMF
If my memory serves me right, I feel you do not remember well. :P
Bugs creator.
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