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Mention From The Same Topic Started by ahrasis · · Read 9557 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Mention From The Same Topic

This one is quite obvious I think. Like just now, I read 3 mentions. 2 likes and one mention in the same post / topic. I realized that while I have opened the said post / topic, the 3 mentions didn't turn off. Even if I follow one of the mentions (by clicking it), it won't immediately remove the followed mention until refresh. The other two will remain after refresh until I either follow them or mark them as read.

Can it be given some sort of enhancement so that, it will be removed if respective topic is opened via its link or otherwise? If it is not so much trouble, that is.

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #1

It should already. (Unless it's buggy.)

Can you mention me and like this message?
And then someone else can like this message?
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Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #2

@emanuele. Testing...

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #3

another test... @emanuele and @ahrasis ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #4

Looks good here, see the sequence before => after => end.

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #6

I posted 7 images. I am using chrome version 39.0.2171.95 m. Seriously, on even the same topic, it won't remove any mention unless coming from mention page and refresh. And while posting this, I still have one more mention from this same topic.

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #7

it works for me ;) thank you dilip
sorry for my bad english


Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #8

Ohhh okay, now I understand what you mean @ahrasis.
You would like that when you are reading the topic and a mention/like/whatever passes on your screen the corresponding "alert" is marked as read. Did I get it right?
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Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #9


I thought when I follow a link in mention, it should be smart enough to clear that mention upon opening a new link. And if the new link page consists of several items (like and mention) that is in the mention page, it should clear all of the relevant mention / like. Is like going more than one time to one same place.

Or at least, it clears the one we follow the link. That should be fine with me. (I do think others may want other mentions/likes not to be cleared until their links are followed).

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #10

Quote from: ahrasis – Or at least, it clears the one we follow the link. That should be fine with me. (I do think others may want other mentions/likes not to be cleared until their links are followed).
This is already doing, you demonstrated it yourself with images 5, 6 and 7.

As per the general behaviour, I "copied" what other software do.
The only big difference is that all the other software have dropdowns (similar to this) that mark as read the notifications when the dropdown is opened.
This will likely be added to 1.1 (unless of objections)... at least I hope.

I have to investigate the possibility to mark as read all the notifications related to a single message when clicking a link, it should be possible, but I'm not entirely sure.
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Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #11

3-7 only clear on refresh of current or going to other page (including back to mention). I mean it should clear the mention (the one we follow its link) upon opening its link without a need to refresh or going to other page.

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #12

I think I don't understand something.
When you click on the link in the mentions page, you are refreshing (moving to another page).
So, I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing.
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Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #13

Yes. That is what I mean and supposed to be. But in my case, the mention is not counting down or reducing when the new followed page is opened. It remain the same number until I refresh that page or go to another page.

Re: Mention From The Same Topic

Reply #14

And here again I don't understand the part where you say you have to refresh or follow another page.

I mean, to open a page, you have to go to another page, I don't understand that point, sorry, I'm a bit slow certain times...
Can you describe it really step by step what you mean? Like you were talking to someone that don't know anything about what you are talking.
... wait, you are not talking about the listing of mentions, but you are talking about the number of mentions in the menu popup that is delayed by 1 page?
Ooookay! now I got it. You see, it takes quite a while from time to time until I get what someone else wants to tell me... :-[
Next time, I'd suggest to make some circles in the pictures, to highlight what you are looking at, because we were really looking at two different things, sorry the misunderstanding. :-[

The only way is to change the "mark read when you click" to a redirectexit, because the number is added to the menu before the mention is marked as read and the counter decreased.
Another option, but that would be for 1.1 or even 2.0, is to create a way to show all these bits (and maybe other things as well) via AJAX calls only after the main page has been loaded, something to consider.
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