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Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time Started by ahrasis · · Read 15668 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

- For Elk 1.0.x.
- Fully hook, no file modification.

1. Please do your own backup though every installation is backed up automatically.
2. On default, the time is not shown in the header either for member or for guest.
3. This mod will add surfer's local date and live time, so one can keep track to it while in the forum.
4. All you need to do is turn it on or off in Mod Settings page, save it and you are good to go.
5. You have the option to change the date format. Click here for reference.
6. Admin can choose whether the live time and date is shown or hidden to guest.
7. The css for both besocial and light is also added to make the mode suitable for both variant.
8. You can test it in all Elk 1.0.x lower version as IMO it should work just fine. ;)

Thank you for using/testing it.

Yours friendly,
Abu Fahim Ismail.

BSD License. Feel free to modify accordingly but keep author's link if it is in there somewhere. ;)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Re: [WIP] Live Time Addon

Reply #1

I noticed that ElkArte does not have time and date in the header and thus, I wish to add them via mod. I think that can simply be achieved by adding a template layer specifically a new template_th_time_bar. The code:

Code: [Select]
function template_th_time_bar()
global $txt;

echo '
' . date('l, d F Y,') . ' <span id="masa"></span><script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
function JamHidup() {
var t=new Date(); var j=t.getHours(); var d=t.getMinutes(); var s=t.getSeconds(); var kala; if (j<=9) {j="0" + j} if (d<=9) {d="0" + d} if (s<=9) {s="0" + s} if (j>=13) {j-=12;kala = " ' . $txt['time_pm'] . '"} else {kala=" ' . $txt['time_am'] . '"}
document.getElementById("masa").innerHTML=j + ":" + d + ":" + s + kala; setTimeout("JamHidup()",1000);
} JamHidup();

If I were to put it inside the th_search_bar template (without using its own template function), the code work just fine. But if the suggested code is applied directly before th_search_bar template, however, doesn't seem to work. I was thinking that it supposed to be called together with the callback for th template, but it wasn't called at all.

I will try to pack it and add that after th_login_bar and see how it goes. I will update later.

Re: [WIP] Live Time Addon

Reply #2

All these templates are not called "just by themselves". You have to add them to an array in $context.
Code: [Select]
$context['theme_header_callbacks'][] = 'time_bar';

I thought I added some comment here and there, but apparently I forgot... O:-)
Well, you can search for "call_template_callbacks", this function takes as first argument the "bit" that identifies the template that will be called (for example "th") and as second argument the array that will be used to find the functions to call.

For example:
Code: [Select]
call_template_callbacks('th', $context['theme_header_callbacks']);
will call all the template functions containing "th" in the name and contained in the array $context['theme_header_callbacks'].

Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] Live Time Addon

Reply #3

Minor script improvement on settimeout ... also no need for type="text/javascript" with html5
Code: [Select]

function JamHidup() {
var t = new Date(),
j = t.getHours(),
d = t.getMinutes(),
s = t.getSeconds(),

if (j <= 9)
j = "0" + j;

if (d <= 9)
d = "0" + d;

if (s <= 9)
s = "0" + s;

if (j >= 13)
j -= 12;
kala = " ' . $txt['time_pm'] . '";
kala = " ' . $txt['time_am'] . '";

document.getElementById("masa").innerHTML = j + ":" + d + ":" + s + kala;

setTimeout(function () {
"use strict";
}, 1000);

Or the minimized version
Code: [Select]
function JamHidup(){var e,a=new Date,b=a.getHours(),c=a.getMinutes(),d=a.getSeconds();9>=b&&(b="0"+b),9>=c&&(c="0"+c),9>=d&&(d="0"+d),b>=13?(b-=12,e=" ' . $txt['time_pm'] . '"):e=" ' . $txt['time_am'] . '",document.getElementById("masa").innerHTML=b+":"+c+":"+d+e,setTimeout(function(){"use strict";JamHidup()},1e3)}JamHidup();

Re: [ADDON] Masa - Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #4

Quote from: Spuds – the minimized version
Code: [Select]
function JamHidup(){var e,a=new Date,b=a.getHours(),c=a.getMinutes(),d=a.getSeconds();9>=b&&(b="0"+b),9>=c&&(c="0"+c),9>=d&&(d="0"+d),b>=13?(b-=12,e=" ' . $txt['time_pm'] . '"):e=" ' . $txt['time_am'] . '",document.getElementById("masa").innerHTML=b+":"+c+":"+d+e,setTimeout(function(){"use strict";JamHidup()},1e3)}JamHidup();

I like this one but I just posted the package in the OP. I reserved this one for the next version.  ;)

This mod add date and live time for with option to change date format and option whether to show it for all (including guest) or just for members.

Thank you @emanuele and @Spuds for sharing tips and guides.

Re: [ADDON] Masa - Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #5

Updated for the following reason(s):

#Change Logs

@Version 1.0.1
- Fix language string error due to language not loaded.

Re: [ADDON] Masa - Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #6

#Change Logs

@Version 1.0.2
- Cleaning up unused code.
- Reorganize so that css can be minified together with other css.
- Restructure addon's files' directories and locations.

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #7

Hello Ahrasis,

Thank for this another great Mod,

My settings:

But it show always hour am/pm

That's not a problem for me, I like the idée to have time in two format, I have many English members.

Responsive amélioration ?

Is it possible to place all just near the search box ? 

(I use chromium tools for responsive emulation)

My Tailor is rich

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #8

You can remove $txt['time_am'] and $txt['time_pm'] in the source code (Masa.template.php) if you don't like the am/pm thingy.  Though technically the am/pm should follow your forum language.

I already noted the mobile view problem but haven't got a chance to fix it before. I already added up v.103 in the first post.

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #9

Thank you Ahrasis,

QuoteYou can remove $txt['time_am'] and $txt['time_pm'] in the source code (Masa.template.php) if you don't like the am/pm thingy.

Ok, but I will keep it for the moment. (waiting people reaction)

QuoteThough technically the am/pm should follow your forum language.

Hmm, Am/pm don't exist in french, we have 24 hours format only.

QuoteI already noted the mobile view problem but haven't got a chance to fix it before. I already added up v.103 in the first post.

I will update.

Many thank for your work and support.  :)
My Tailor is rich

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #10


I tried 1.03 version on my mobile and on my wife Mobile.
Note 2 and Galaxy grand Prime.
Perfect ! the hour is exactly near the search box,
Same if I emulate: (nexus 5 for example in attachments)

QuoteI already noted the mobile view problem but haven't got a chance to fix it before. I already added up v.103 in the first post.

Hmm, it was a joke, you fixed it  ;)

My Tailor is rich

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #11

There is a bad code inside the last v.103 so I updated it to version v.104 with option to hide date in mobile view (show only clock) and option to remove pm/am.

#Change Logs

@Version 1.0.4
- Cleaning up and remove bad code.
- Add option to remove pm/am.
- Add option to hide date in mobile view.

@Version 1.0.3
- Fixing mobile view
- Restore sources as addons main folder

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #12

#Change Logs

@Version 1.0.5
- Fixing up css for small screen / mobile view.
- Fixing up css for 1.1x.

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #13


Thanks. Just a suggestion: use the show/hide am/pm switch to use 12h/24h display.

Like 08:00:00 without am/pm does make no sense, likewise 20:00:00 with am/pm is also useless.

no signature yet

Re: Masa: Surfer's Local Live Time

Reply #14

Thank you. Haven't visited this for quite some times. Will see what can be done.