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Spell-Check Started by ahrasis · · Read 6265 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Some crazy anti spam idea.

Is it possible to spell-check a post (1) subject and/or content, using certain language libraries from anywhere, and if post subject or content wordings are wrongly spelled more than 30%, it won't be posted until they are fixed?

Possibility to extend it or upgrade it from default spellchecker or replace it?

Re: Spell-Check

Reply #1

Interesting idea! LOL

I guess the spellchecker can be used (provided the server has the appropriate configuration and the language required).
I'm not entirely sure how it works so I can't give you many advices or ideas...

On a general note, I think it's not possible without code edits (and I mean "do it right", because you could do it "wrong" without taking into account notification emails and such, bu that would su**s... lol).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Spell-Check

Reply #2

Never used the spell check, it is not working on my host. I get: this does not work on your server.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Spell-Check

Reply #3

Quote from: radu81 – Never used the spell check, it is not working on my host. I get: this does not work on your server.
Spellchecker is based on aspell / pspell libraries and won't work without that. On Debian Linux you'd need the following packages:
Code: [Select]
apt-get install php5-pspell aspell
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Spell-Check

Reply #4

good to know, thanks for the info TE. I'm on a shared hosting so I cannot do it.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Spell-Check

Reply #5

Quote from: radu81 – good to know, thanks for the info TE. I'm on a shared hosting so I cannot do it.
It's a rarely installed feature.. I haven't seen a shared hosting with aspell / pspell installed in quite some time.  Not sure if the spellchecker feature is used at all? I've activated it on my homepage but I doubt it was ever used..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Spell-Check

Reply #6

In 8 years using SMF I never worried about this function, never used it. Beside that most recent browsers have a builtin spellcheck
sorry for my bad english

Re: Spell-Check

Reply #7

Is not really for spell checking @radu81 . It is to stop people from stopping nonsense topic or subject, if it is even possible.

I check my php info. I got this PSpell Support enabled. So, how does it work by default? I turn spell checking on and I can't really see anything when I press spell-check in posting page.

Re: Spell-Check

Reply #8

Yup its kind of broken in some browsers, in some areas.  Its most likely to work in the quick reply area if you want to test but is broken in the post page.  I have a PR in process that fixes it.

I've found some folks really like spellcheck vs the browser ones, not sure why but they do (and you need it for what < IE10)   :-\  ... Its also nice if its a specialized site as you can add custom dictionary words that are not in the normal ones.

Anyway I think its one of those "one the way out" items.