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[ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat Started by wintstar · · Read 82266 times 0 Members and 4 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #15

@wintstar I tried to install your addon but an error occured. Any idea to fix it? thanks

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #16

This is a known bug of Blueimp Ajax Chat. Sometime there has it a change with "datetime" in MySQL and did not resolve until today by the developers of the Ajax Chat. I had corrected this. Which MySQL version you have?

For the weekend I am going to post a solution.
Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #17

@wintstar  yes its version 5.5.32-5.5.42

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #18

Here's the fix:
Unpack the original package Delete the install.php. Download the and unpack this.  And add this install.php in the package. Pack the package in a Zip package, and you can install the addon in your board.

I would suggest you to update your database. Because this fix is for an outdated database, I will not update the addon to a new version. The fix has been tested with on your database versions and worked on my Test Area.

Fix for Bug with Database error "Invalid default value for 'dateTime'":


Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #19

@wintstar Ive isntall the addon but I recieved this error inside that chat window. What does it mean?

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #20

If you get a 500 Connection error you might have to set your file permissions as well.
There are 1 folder (talk) for ElkArte Ajax Chat.
For ElkArte Ajax Chat be sure to change the file permissions (CHMOD) /talk/ and subdirectories to 755.

HTTP Error 500 Internal server error

If it still this does not work, update MySQL and PHP on your server to the current version.

Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 04:07:39 am by wintstar
Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #21

@wintstar verything was set to 755 and still the error persist. But I change index.php to 755 and the error was gone. Btw, when I enable the chat, the chat shows up as shoutbox. is it the same as chat or there is a setting to change? also I cant find the setting to enable the menu. can you help?

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #22

@wintstar  also when you refresh the page, the chat in the textbox dissappears. but when I typed something, it shows up. is this a glitch?

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #23

Yes it is true the activation to chat page is missing. Since I have inserted an incorrect file the in the package . There will be give a new version. The other error you are reporting, I can not fix. Since, in my view an error of your server configuration. Some Hoster block chat system on their servers.

Requirements for Blueimp Ajax Chat
Server-Side Client-Side
PHP >= 5 Enabled JavaScript
MySQL >= 4 Enabled Cookies
Ruby >= 1.8 (optional) Flash Plugin >= 9 (optional)

Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #24

ok thanks for the update @wintstar how do I enable the chat instead of the shoutbox?

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #25

@wintstar btw the text area where you type the text is not responsive. maybe you could also fix that in your next version.

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #26

I'm just going to rebuild the package. Will then still test the package. Download, unzip the package. Include the Sources folder in the root of your board. Overwrite the existing file ManageTalk.controller.php. 

I will provide an update on Version 1.0.1 issue at the latest next week. @ anagnam many thanks for error Message :)

Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #27

Quote from: anagnam – @wintstar btw the text area where you type the text is not responsive. maybe you could also fix that in your next version.
I'll look into it, but am assuming that the error is caused by your Server Configuration.

What stands in the error log? Admin button => Error Log
Create a screenshot please from an admin center Main => Support & Credits = Support Information


Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 06:24:37 am by wintstar
Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #28

@wintstar  I have overwriten the file ManageTalk.controller.php and I got this error.

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #29

@wintstar here is the file you requested.