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[Wedge 1.0] Importer Started by TE · · Read 68080 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer

Reply #15

Thats strange ... is it in the root of your ElkArte Install ?


Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer

Reply #16

Yes, Elkarte user have root permissions.

Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer

Reply #17

Spuds asked if repaire_settings.php  is located in the root of your forum (should be ) 
sorry for my bad english

Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer

Reply #18

Sorry, my english not good :(

Yes I push it to

Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer

Reply #19

Quote from: TE – The attached version should import a wedge forum to ElkArte.. It's still based on an outdated version of OpenImporter but it should work  :-[

Importing settings... ✔
Importing members... ✔
Importing attachments... ✔
Importing avatars... ✔
Importing categories... ✔
Importing collapsed categories... ✔
Importing boards... ✔
Importing topics... ✔
Importing messages... ✔
Importing polls... ✔
Importing poll choices... ✔
Importing poll votes... ✔
Importing personal messages... ✔
Importing pm recipients... ✔
Importing pm rules... ✔
Importing board moderators... ✔
Importing mark read data (topics)... ✔
Importing mark read data... ✔
Importing notifications... ✔
Importing membergroups... ✔
Importing group moderators... ✔
Importing permission profiles... ✔
Importing permissions... ✔
Importing board permissions... ✔
Importing smileys... ✔
Copying smileys... ✔
Importing statistics (activity log)... ✔
Importing logged actions... ✔
Importing reported posts... ✔
Importing reported comments... ✔
Importing spider hits... ✔
Importing spider stats... ✔
Importing subscriptions... ✔
Recalculating statistics... ✔

Note: I'n not sure with the ip adress import for the messages, the format seems somewhat different compared to ElkArte's ipv6 implemantation.

Good Luck and hopefully Welcome to ElkArte  :D

Hello and thanks for the script.

I know I'm upping a very old topic, but I'm currently tyring to migrate from Wedge and it seems that, as mentioned at the end of your post, it's not IPv6 compatible. The export from Wedge to Elkarte 1.0 works up until I've setup IPv6 on my forum DNS. It crashes at my first ever IPv6 message   :sweat:

Would there happen to be a way to clear / modify these IPv6, and don't actually need to keep them logged for the migration.

If not I think I'll just proceed with the following query and hope for the best :

Code: [Select]
UPDATE wedge_messages SET posterIP = '';

Re: [Wedge 1.0] Importer

Reply #20

Quote from: Kian – If not I think I'll just proceed with the following query and hope for the best :

Code: [Select]
UPDATE wedge_messages SET posterIP = '';

Well, for anyone who may need this, it actually worked but with the following query :

Code: [Select]
MariaDB [MyDatabase]> UPDATE wedge_messages SET poster_ip = '0';
Query OK, 209915 rows affected (2.668 sec)
Rows matched: 209915  Changed: 209915  Warnings: 0

MariaDB [MyDatabase]>