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Generic non-descriptive n00b thread title Started by Antechinus · · Read 3175 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Generic non-descriptive n00b thread title


Ok, questions. Idly contemplating some mutilating of innocent Elks here. Want to know:

1/ What is Font Awesome used for (IOW, where is it likely to sneak up and bite me)?

2/ Ditto for jQuery UI.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Generic non-descriptive n00b thread title

Reply #1

FA: the little home in the linktree, menu at low resolutions, rss icon (bottom right corner), few places around in the admin panel I think. I can't remember more at the moment.

jQuery UI: profile page (at least tabs, maybe more), post page (in certain conditions, IIRC for moving around the "more smiley" popup), most likely somewhere in the admin panel but I don't remember where.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Generic non-descriptive n00b thread title

Reply #2

FA is used in 2 controllers, 25 templates and 3 js files from a quick search ... lots of little inline icons here and there, plus mobile menu, and a few times as pseudos in the CSS.

UI is used only where $modSettings['jquery_include_ui'] = true; is set ... But in general, its the profile tabs, anywhere where drag sorting is enabled, such as smileys, profile fields, board order, email filters and parsers (all admin areas which is why is included in the main admin.controller) and I think its used for the warning sliders in profile as well.  Could be a few other places.

Re: Generic non-descriptive n00b thread title

Reply #3

Profile tabs? What is it supposed to do there? They all seem resolutely fixed, AFAICT.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: Generic non-descriptive n00b thread title

Reply #4

Its the  Summary / Recent Activity / Buddies tabs

Supposed to (when/if  I completely it) load the tab content via ajax.  However due to my  laziness, I never finished that for v1, so instead the page is just loaded and the tabs simply show / hide those divs. 

I intend to do that with ajax, and allow it to be extended via addons, and add some other tabs, but have not had the inspiration to get back to it :P
Last Edit: February 26, 2016, 08:14:59 am by Spuds

Re: Generic non-descriptive n00b thread title

Reply #5

Ah ok. So no biggy then. Cool.
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P