Re: Request - Nofollow attribute for external links
Reply #15 – March 08, 2016, 04:03:35 am
Global Moderator
And now that I wake up completely, I see what I was aiming at with my previous code. xD Ok, now I even wrote some unit testing to be sure what comes out is the expected behaviour (hoping not to have messed up the tests themselves LOL). So, the attached one should work as expected... I hope.
Re: Request - Nofollow attribute for external links
Reply #20 – March 10, 2016, 04:51:25 am
Thank you Emanuele for all your help! Even if direct links (without url) from admins and special group has the nofollow attribute this is not a big problem, if I really want to obtain a link without nofollow I have to use the url tag which is fine for me Just one question, is it possible to not apply this addon for the links to my domain? p.s. I saw a similar addon to other forum script which does the same thing but in a different way, no membergroups permission but only a whitelist of domains. So if a domain is in the whitelist, no matter who is posting the link, it will not have the nofollow attribute. Is this approach easier to implement into elkarte?
Re: Request - Nofollow attribute for external links
Reply #25 – March 10, 2016, 02:28:20 pm
Well I don't want to make you loose time on this, but probably there is another simpler way : set all links as no follow and remove the nofollow attribute only for links inserted with iurl bbcode. I know it doesn't have much sense , but nobody is using the iurl code on my forum, I might say it's a hidden bbcode, not every script has this bbcode. That could be made with just a few edits, I understand I have to controll every update but is the quickest way. What do you think? P. S. I'm not an expert in seo and I don't know if this will bring me any vantage, but if most forums are having nofollow links into core from default (xf, wbb, kunena, vanilla, bbpress) maybe worth some time to invest into this for the next releases 1.1.x or 2.0...