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Preparing for 1.1-dev Started by emanuele · · Read 21658 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #15

The sleepy part :P

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #16

 emanuele slaps @meetdilip to wake him up! :P
Bugs creator.
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Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #17

I enabled both desktop notifications and the little bubble showing the number of unread notifications in the favicon.
It may be slightly annoying at the beginning... well, it's testing of new features.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #18

I got an alert asking whether or not to show notifications.

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #19

where to look elkarte 1.1 new features list?
Sorry for my English

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #20

It was asked a couple of times, but I don't remember if anyone managed to put a list together...
Off the top of my head I can think of:
in-line attachments,
"lightbox-like" zoom for attached images (Spuds, does it work for bbc images as well?)
more granular options for notifications (what and how to receive them)
use of SVG images instead of fontawesome
desktop notifications + the annoying number in the  favicon xD
two-factor authentication
* possibility to change the home to other actions like recent posts or stats, etc. (actually still buggy)

This for the "user-facing" aspects, under the hood there has been another huge chunk of improvements on modularization and modernization of the code! :D
Bugs creator.
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Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #21

Can you pinpoint me please where I can find the 1.1 language files? I would prepare the translation...

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #22

Quote from: Jorin – Can you pinpoint me please where I can find the 1.1 language files? I would prepare the translation...
The're currently not available.. I'll update the transifex  account for 1.1 soon, however some strings will probably change in the next few days,, at least the 2fa strings require some fixes..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #23

Okay, we better wait then till the english files are done.

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #24

I actually started thinking, would it be easy to convert a custom theme to Elkarte 1.1?

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #25

Quote from: emanuele – YAY!

Looks like it is somehow working.

Please note that to get the notifications (former "mentions") you have to go to:
modify profile
* notifications
the direct link is:;area=notification
and set your preferences to: "notify when you are @mentioned", "Notify when one of your messages is liked" and "Notify when someone adds you as buddy", then save.

Something is indeed broken, if you find bugs do not report them here, but have a look if someone else already reported it in the Bug Reports, and if not feel free to open a new topic.

Guys, we have 1.1 installed, have fun!
I know we try to keep things like this disabled but I think this is kind of standard.

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #26

In fact it was "just" a bug in the upgrade script. O:-)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #27

Quote from: emanuele – In fact it was "just" a bug in the upgrade script. O:-)
I'd have resetted it via admin, the few ones who don't want them...  They shall have one and disable it afterwards. Lol.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~


Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #28

Quote from: CrimeS – I actually started thinking, would it be easy to convert a custom theme to ElkArte 1.1?
Sorry, missed that. :-[

hmm...Honestly I have no idea, maybe @Spuds or @Vekseid have a better view of how things have changed. O:-)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Preparing for 1.1-dev

Reply #29

Hmm, my theme is heavily modified, I've removed many parts like menu and things like that, so I guess the update script would update anything but the places where the custom code was written?