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How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ? Started by Saiyen · · Read 9311 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Hello Community.

I am new to this forum software and to this community too.

I would like to change some strings of displayed messages on my forum. I do not want to change my language pack completely, but I simply want to edit some strings/texts of the default English language pack.

Where is the file located in my ElkArte installation which contains the default strings that I can edit easily without any worries?

Thank you!

P.S. Note to developers: This forum script looks almost identical to SMF (Simple Machine Forums) expect it has more modern design. The sections, layout, settings are almost same.
Signed by S-A-I-Y-E-N....

Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #1

welcome to Elkarte !

Quote from: is a successor fork to SMF and aims to modernize the code, implement new features and make forums more relevant in a time of unprecedented social interaction.
sorry for my bad english

Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #2

The English language files are located in themes\default\languages\english

You can also use the admin area, Languages -> Edit Languages   Select English.   From that page select from the various language templates which will allow you to edit the language strings in each template.


Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #3

Quote from: Spuds – The English language files are located in themes\default\languages\english

You can also use the admin area, Languages -> Edit Languages   Select English.   From that page select from the various language templates which will allow you to edit the language strings in each template.

Hahahaha this took me some time to realise :).

At first I couldn't see it, but then I saw it, anyways thank you!
Signed by S-A-I-Y-E-N....

Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #4

Do note, the language editor may choke on certain files with many strings. O:-)
It's a known bug that may take a while to be fixed.
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Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #5

Quote from: Spuds – The English language files are located in themes\default\languages\english
With this method what will happen when a new version of langauge is updated? All text will be overwrited?
In joomla there is a nice feature "Language overrdide" which allow the user to set custom translations and even if language files are updated the custom translations remains. To be honest I don't need such a feature as normal translations are fine for me, but I'm just curious ;)

Quote from: emanuele – Do note, the language editor may choke on certain files with many strings. O:-)
It's a known bug that may take a while to be fixed.
Good to know, thanks ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #6

Yep. :(

Quote from: radu81 – In joomla there is a nice feature "Language overrdide" which allow the user to set custom translations and even if language files are updated the custom translations remains.
There is a discussion about something like that, it may be worth exploring in future versions. :)

It's in the known bugs section since forever. :P
Bugs creator.
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Template killer.

Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #7

Quote from: emanuele –
Quote from: radu81 – All text will be overwrited?
Yep. :(

Quote from: radu81 – In joomla there is a nice feature "Language overrdide" which allow the user to set custom translations and even if language files are updated the custom translations remains.
There is a discussion about something like that, it may be worth exploring in future versions. :)

Quote from: radu81 – Good to know, thanks ;)
It's in the known bugs section since forever. :P

Odd... I changed some strings, but they are not appearing changed on my forum?
Signed by S-A-I-Y-E-N....

Re: How would I be able to edit default English language file (texts, strings) ?

Reply #8

Sorry, lost that one... :-[

Which file did you change?
It may be a write-permission issue, but it could also be the "usual" php 5.5+ opcache. Or maybe something else.
Windows or Linux? (The server of course :P)
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