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1.1 default theme (Light variant) colors Started by emanuele · · Read 41732 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: 1.1 default theme (Light variant) colors

Reply #15

Perfect Thanks  :)


Re: 1.1 default theme (Light variant) colors

Reply #16

So let me get this straight, we can make CSS Files in themes and change them, and because they are loaded last, it should fix whatever is in them. Is there a specific thing they need to be named as? Or how does it work.
Do I just make an CSS file and put it in the folder or...

Re: 1.1 default theme (Light variant) colors

Reply #17

Hi all

I am unsure it was best to start a new post. But I am also wanting to make some slight modifications to the default theme.

    Browse the templates and files in this theme.
    Edit this theme's stylesheets.
    Copy a template from the theme this is based on.

I have no idea where to start  :-\
Darren J Cleaver

Re: 1.1 default theme (Light variant) colors

Reply #18

Since its always nice to have the default theme to fall back on, my thoughts would

1) Copy the default theme to a new theme, give it a name like test
2) Create a test user and set them to use that theme so you can test w/o causing issue to your admin account
3) Edit CSS (stylesheet for fonts, size, color, etc)  or Template (structural changes like where things are located on a page)
4) When done, set the forum to the new theme.

Re: 1.1 default theme (Light variant) colors

Reply #19

Or you can just create css variant without a need for creating new (copied) theme at all.

Last time I did this using my addon, but I haven't tested its compatibality with 1.1.7.