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Importing SMF 2.0.13 to ElkArte 1.0.9 Started by sherif · · Read 7447 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Importing SMF 2.0.13 to ElkArte 1.0.9

My goal was just to leave vb into a good open source forum, and here is what i had to do:

I have an ancient vbulletin 3.6.8 with windows-1256 encoding with 50k posts and 4k members.
managed to convert the WHOLE contents into UTF-8 encoding using a script in a long painful but successful process.
then converted it into SMF 2.0.13 since it was easier and better than the other convertors i've tried.
after finding about ElkArte i decided to convert to it

I wanted to convert it to ElkArte 1.0.9 , so downloaded openimporter and gathered the instructions from topics in this forum and started the  importer.

First time , naturally ,  i did choose the option to import from SMF 2.0
but i got that error regarding the pm_receive_from field as it was described in this topic and the importer stopped .
I checked the pm_receive_from field in my source SMF database , its already there , i don't understand the meaning of the error at this point .

I tried again but changed the choice of importing to import from SMF 2.1 Beta , just trying maybe the recent 2.0.13 is more closer to 2.1 Beta in database structure , the importer worked good with no errors till the membergroups then stopped with an error about the icon field ,
checking the source db again to find that field exists but named as stars . so i restarted the importer skipping the already imported tables, also skipping the membergroups field and it continued till it stopped with another error regarding 2 fields : custom fields and custom fields data , so i restarted again but skipping those 2 , and the process ended with success as the importer message says.

Then i thought it worth trying the 2.0 importer with the 3 problematic tables only and i got nothing to lose, and i did , and it succeeded !
So to put it all together , i have imported all the db except the 3 tables with errors : membergroups - custom fields - custom fields data
using the SMF 2.1 importer
imported the 3 mentioned tables using the SMF 2.0 importer
All ->> into into ElkArte 1.0.9

the forum looks fine to me , even the old icons/stars shows under avatars as a sign of valid importing of table membergroups

So i am wondering if there is certain procedures to do after importing or certain parts of the forum i should mainly check to guarantee that the forum has no errors and can go live now.
please advice 

Re: Importing SMF 2.0.13 to ElkArte 1.0.9

Reply #1

Quote from: sherif – I tried again but changed the choice of importing to import from SMF 2.1 Beta , just trying maybe the recent 2.0.13 is more closer to 2.1 Beta in database structure , the importer worked good with no errors till the membergroups then stopped with an error about the icon field ,
Nah, 2.0.x should all be pretty much exactly the same.

QuoteSo i am wondering if there is certain procedures to do after importing or certain parts of the forum i should mainly check to guarantee that the forum has no errors and can go live now.
please advice
I'm not sure if there's anything recommended. I'd look around for things like special characters in posts to see if they ended up okay.

Re: Importing SMF 2.0.13 to ElkArte 1.0.9

Reply #2

Usual characters artifacts, attachments, quick look at PMs and permissions.
I think that is what I usually check after a conversion.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Importing SMF 2.0.13 to ElkArte 1.0.9

Reply #3

Quote from: Frenzie – Nah, 2.0.x should all be pretty much exactly the same.
:-[  :-[  ok that was weird , you are very RIGHT , to prove my theory i still have the importer in place so i restarted the import using 2.0 and went all fine , even fixed some avatars issue , but i am very sure about the pm_receive_from and i don't know why it came up first time and not now !!  ::)
Quote from: Frenzie – I'm not sure if there's anything recommended. I'd look around for things like special characters in posts to see if they ended up okay.
thank you very much  :)