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Can we haz draggable windoze? Started by Antechinus · · Read 9188 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Can we haz draggable windoze?

Not everywhere, but when opening an attached image thumbnail to full size, the new window gets stuck at upper left of the screen. This is a bit of a nuisance sometimes, and if it's not too had to arrange it would be better if it just behaved like a normal window: grab it by the title bar and move it around your screen.

Can the js be tweaked so the thing isn't stuck, or is that a major PITA?
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Re: Can we haz draggable windoze?

Reply #1

IIRC, unless you have jQuery UI, doing it with raw JS is a major pain. I looked into doing this with PureChat, and the amount of code it took to do it well was just not worth it. If you've got jQuery UI though, it's like 4 lines. :P
~((0040 + 0x20) + (0b111 << 1))
"You never said something, for me, to penny mention work a barbecue pit." ~ Gilligan

Re: Can we haz draggable windoze?

Reply #2

 emanuele thinks now we have jQueryUI "somewhere"...
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Re: Can we haz draggable windoze?

Reply #3

Yup we do, when needed, which type of window are we talking about here, I'm confused  :D