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Recent attachments showing thumbs Started by Jorin · · Read 20120 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Recent attachments showing thumbs

Yippie! When you click an anyone's profile and then on "recent activity", you see thumbnails of his last posted attachments/images. But when you click on the link to show more attachments, the page shows a list without thumbnails!  :o  :(

I think it would be much better to show thumbnails instead of a list of filenames. I searched for an image I posted in my board, nearly 100 pages of file names... I didn't found it. It would be so much easier with thumbnails to search for an attachment posted in the past.

Re: Recent attachments showing thumbs

Reply #1

Yes that would be nice.  I'd imagine it was not due due to all the requests and data that is needed to get the page.

Also looking at that page there is a bug  .... if I look at your profile recent page, the posts, topics and attachment links all have ;u= with no number, so it takes me to my stuff and not yours.

Re: Recent attachments showing thumbs

Reply #2

Oh... Didn't see this error on my board.  :o

Re: Recent attachments showing thumbs

Reply #3

Quote from: Spuds – Also looking at that page there is a bug  .... if I look at your profile recent page, the posts, topics and attachment links all have ;u= with no number, so it takes me to my stuff and not yours.
If I remember correctly this was reported for 1.0.x version and was solved.
Don't forget to fix it on 1.1 version ;)
sorry for my bad english


Re: Recent attachments showing thumbs

Reply #4

My members echo this request.  Apologies if this oversteps boundaries, link code for sharing attachments on other sites would be great too!  :)

Re: Recent attachments showing thumbs

Reply #6

Great! Thanks!  :)