I "splitted" the information about the number of likes in the user info in portal into two parts, because there will be a break in this portalblock, if someone has given or recieved more than 99 likes:
The first line shows now the likes the user has given, the second line the likes the user has recieved:
if ($data['show_likes'])
echo '
<li ', sp_embed_class('dot'), '>
', $txt['likes'], ': <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;area=showlikes;sa=given;u=', $user_info['id'], '">', $data['member_info']['likes']['given'], ' <span ', sp_embed_class('given'), '></span></a>
<li ', sp_embed_class('dot'), '>
', $txt['likes'], ': <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;area=showlikes;sa=given;u=', $user_info['id'], '">', ' <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;area=showlikes;sa=received;u=', $user_info['id'], '">', $data['member_info']['likes']['received'], ' <span ', sp_embed_class('received'), '></span></a>
Is it possible to change this $txt['likes'] in the second line in the user info?
The german translation for "likes" is "Gefällt mir", which means "I like it" .
It would be nice to use another text in the second line, something like "recieved", "They like it" or "liked by others".
How can I use or create another string for this line?