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Wrong "send mail" when in Personal Messaging Started by b4pjoe · · Read 3401 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Personal Messaging

Wrong "send mail" when in Personal Messaging

Not sure if this is related but if I am in the PM section of the forum and hover my mouse over the username that sent the PM so the little flyout menu and click the envelope icon for emailing that user the email address it picks is NOT the email address for that user. It picks a different random email address of other users. If I do the same to send an email when I am outside the PM system it picks the users correct email address. I know as an admin I see this envelope icon for all users while regular users only see it for people that have enabled the option to let others see their email address.

Re: Wrong "send mail" when in Personal Messaging

Reply #1

@b4pjoe that's indeed a bug that needs to be fixed. But, according to @jbandsma's answers it seems not related to his issue.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Wrong "send mail" when in Personal Messaging

Reply #2

OK thanks.