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Convert SMF to ElkArte Started by Nao · · Read 74787 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from How to install ElkArte Alpha?

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #15

Thanks for the idea Nao! Will keep that in my mind before going all the way :D
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #16

I failed to import from SMF and unfortunately I don't know what's wrong. Is the importer must be online? I'm trying it in localhost.

I tried to import from my forum database and empty installation in WAMP, both stopped in the same way. Screenshot attached.

The only differences beside the environment that I can think of is the database don't have password, so I removed it from SMF settings already.

If this post better to be in separate topic then I kindly ask the moderators to split it. Thanks!

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #17

QuoteIf this post better to be in separate topic then I kindly ask the moderators to split it. Thanks!
yep, splitted from the original topic.

Importing on localhost is fine, I've updated the git repo with a newer version of import.php, hopefully that one fixes the error..

Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #18

Thanks! I've successfully converted my SMF forum to ElkArte, after playing around for a while I decided to postponed the conversion maybe after beta version released.
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #19

Did you find many things broken? O:-)
Feel free to report. ;)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #20

The only thing I found to be broken is I can't view my own profile as member and as admin. Both (screenshots attached) is caused by database error.

Is avatar supposed to be moved over? because it's not showing up too.

I'm using ElkArte with pull#826 merged. Unrelated, but how do I identify specific ElkArte version from GitHub?


Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #21

I can comment on the vieworder error ...

We just added the ability to arrange the custom profile fields (drag/drop) and a new field was required.  Thats not normally the case for the daily changes (meaning db changes are not that common) but it does happen.

To fix that you need to open phpmyadmin and then open the custom_fields table, add at the end a new column vieworder, make it a smallint

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #22

No worries Spuds! That's why I wait at least until beta, the features and database structures should be decided already, correct? i.e. no breaking changes.

192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #23

Quote from: TE – ok, here we are  ;D  ;D  ;D
you'd need these files in order to import an SMF 2.0.x: import.php, import_en.xml, smf2_importer.xml
Just upload the three files to your elkarte dir, start import.php via browser, fill in the path to your SMF 2.0 and click "start".. Depending on the size of your SMF it may take  a while...

I've successfully imported my 270k posts SMF  :D

A little feedback on the importer and a couple of questions.

I successfully imported my forum with 237K posts (just as a test) and everything went fairly smoothly. The only thing is that attachments and uploaded avatars are not showing afterwards. It did copy over the attachments table data and it copied the files from the SMF site attachment folder to the Elkarte site attachment folder but none of them display. Running the "Attachment integrity check" tells me that I have "9092 attachments are in the wrong directory". When I click the checkbox so it will fix doesn't because if I run it again it tells me the same thing. I've double checked the folder settings for attachments and it is correct in the admin panel. Any ideas on that?

That other minor oddity is after the conversion if you click the button to shrink the header it will not expand when you click it again. Testing on a fresh install of Elkarte and it works fine. I can shrink the header and then expand it but on the imported forum if I shrink it the expand no longer works. Any thoughts on this?

My imported site does have Aeva Media and PortaMx portal installed if that makes any difference. Maybe I should have uninstalled those before doing the import?

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #24

Quote from: b4pjoe – When I click the checkbox so it will fix doesn't because if I run it again it tells me the same thing. I've double checked the folder settings for attachments and it is correct in the admin panel. Any ideas on that?
yep, I think it's my fault.. ElkArte has now filename extensions, the importer needs to be fixed, too.

Quote from: b4pjoe – That other minor oddity is after the conversion if you click the button to shrink the header it will not expand when you click it again. Testing on a fresh install of Elkarte and it works fine. I can shrink the header and then expand it but on the imported forum if I shrink it the expand no longer works. Any thoughts on this?
mhh, IIRC that part was changed in Elk, too.. should be easy to fix.

Quote from: b4pjoe – My imported site does have Aeva Media and PortaMx portal installed if that makes any difference. Maybe I should have uninstalled those before doing the import?
installed mods shouldn't be a problem at all.. 
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #25

Are you implying that AeMe still works on Elk without changes..?

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #26

Quote from: Nao – Are you implying that AeMe still works on Elk without changes..?
Nope, for sure not. It's simply "ignored" while importing the forum.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #27

ok, the attachments bug should be fixed within the repo. the new imorter should import the old attachments properly.

Quote from: b4pjoe – That other minor oddity is after the conversion if you click the button to shrink the header it will not expand when you click it again. Testing on a fresh install of Elkarte and it works fine. I can shrink the header and then expand it but on the imported forum if I shrink it the expand no longer works. Any thoughts on this?
I've tested this on my local repo and it's working fine.. IIRC the upshrink header is stored in $_COOKIE, can you please test it with a different browser or clear old cookies?
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #28

Quote from: TE – Nope, for sure not. It's simply "ignored" while importing the forum.
Like on Wedge then.

But even with empty data, does it still work from Elk?
Thought Elk broke all mods compat long ago...


Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #29

Hooks are still the same, Dispatch is coded in such a way to be backward compatible, $smcFunc is still loaded and populated and should work.
Obviously code is changed, so code edits are likely broken.
The new menu is not (yet) backward compatible with mods (but it's not that difficult to make it so).
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