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Convert SMF to ElkArte Started by Nao · · Read 74736 times 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from How to install ElkArte Alpha?

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #45

 emanuele hopes to remember to commit the fix
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #46

Quote from: TE –
Quote from: b4pjoe – Is there anyway to fix the uploaded avatars not coming over in the conversion?
;D oh yes ...  The files need .elk,, not .ext as file extension .. fixed it.

Has that been fixed in the convertor or is that something I need to do manually?

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #47

the new smf2_importer.xml file is fixed.. 
but you can do that manually, if you like (maybe yo have got just a few uploaded avatars). Don't know which is more time-consuming for you.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #48

I have a lot of uploaded avatars... :D

I tried running the importer again on my already converted forum and only selecting "Avatars" but that didn't seem to work. Does that mean I have to do the whole conversion over again?

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #49

Quote from: b4pjoe – I have a lot of uploaded avatars... :D

I tried running the importer again on my already converted forum and only selecting "Avatars" but that didn't seem to work. Does that mean I have to do the whole conversion over again?
To be honest, I haven't tested the single step import that much but in theory it should work . Maybe your ElkArte files are outdated, Spuds fixed some remaining file endings on October, 16th.
You could check the file Attachments.subs.php (line 1278).. It should be:

Code: [Select]
$destName = empty($avatar_hash) ? $destName : $path . '/' . $attachID . '_' . $avatar_hash . '.elk';
the important part is the .elk at the end of that line.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #50

I downloaded the software on Saturday the 19th. I checked the file though and it has .elk at the end.

I'll attempt the full conversion again and see what happens. Providing that Hostgator doesn't suspend my account again for server overload like they did over the weekend during my first few rounds of conversions. ;D

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #51

I ran the conversion again and I'm still not getting the uploaded avatars to show up. Uploaded avatars are uploaded to the attachment folder on my SMF site and everything in there has the .elk extension instead of the .ext extension.

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #52

Quote from: b4pjoe – I ran the conversion again and I'm still not getting the uploaded avatars to show up. Uploaded avatars are uploaded to the attachment folder on my SMF site and everything in there has the .elk extension instead of the .ext extension.
That sounds correct.. Perhaps a small bug somewhere else ... I'll check it.
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #53

Quote from: b4pjoe – Uploaded avatars are uploaded to the attachment folder on my SMF site and everything in there has the .elk extension instead of the .ext extension.
Sorry, have to ask for more details.. Your SMF attachments have been named .elk? the importer shouldn't touch these files unless you fill in the wrong pathes during import.

Your current SMF install is: Attachments and Avatars both uploaded to the attachments folder? that's SMF's and Elk's default setting and works fine here. I've tested that with both variants of avatars (encrypted filenames and the older ones from SMF 1.1). 

Do you have multiple attachments directory set in SMF? That's IIRC currently not implemented within the importer..

Sorry, currently no clue what's wrong..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #54

Sorry for the confusion. I think I stated it wrong earlier.

I only have the one attachment folder and avatars and attachments both upload to that folder.

No the SMF attachments are named like this:


After the conversion the Elk attachments are named as:


And the attachments now convert over fine after your earlier change.

SMF avatars are named in this manner:


Some have .gif, .png, .jpg extensions.

In the converted Elk attachment folder none of the files named starting with "avatar_" get copied over. At least the files named starting with "avatar_" are not in the converted Elk attachments folder.

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #55

I got this to import the avatars.

On my SMF forum even though uploaded avatars were set to go to the "Attachments directory" the path below it was not set to that same attachments directory. Once I set the path below to be the same as the SMF "Attachments directory" they imported fine. I would have thought since the setting was to use the "Attachments directory" that it would have ignored the path in line below it. You can't even change that path unless you change the setting above it to "Specific directory...", save it, and then change the setting back to using the "Attachment directory" and saving it back again.

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #56

ah, thanks .. that's a great help for finding and fixing the bug.. Now I'm able to reproduce and fix. Thank you :)

I think I have a clue what's wrong, will take a look at the code soon...
Thorsten "TE" Eurich


Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #57

It appears my ban list didn't import either. I don't see anything in the import list so is this by design?

Re: Convert SMF to ElkArte

Reply #59

You mean another thing I broke?